Chapter 2~ Into the Unknown

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Chapter 2

(Authors Rant: sorry if you hate that i dont put proper punctuation :P im just a bit lazy. heehee.)

I have this weird sixth sense of sorts. I can feel the presense of things that dont belong, and something definately doesnt belong here. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up and i have goosebumps all over my arms and bare legs (as i am wearing a shin length black dress). Well this really isnt how i expected to feel when i came to one my my favorite places on this planet. Yes i have favorite places on other planets. You see i was on the moon once and found this really great cave! juust kidding! Oh, but how i wish it were true.....

So i have this feeling..... and its not everyday that i get it beacause in my small hometown nothing much exciting happens. Im creeped out a bit.... But not enough to not investigate! I start walking towards the edge of the Moon Pool, but i stop. What if a creeper pushes me in??? Naah i would sense him before he got a chance and kick his ass! See, violent animes are quite educational. I continue heading towards the lake. I look into the clear water, hmmm nothing out of place there. No dead bodies floating, no funking looking alien slime. All seems normal . I scan the edge of the trees. No strange shadows lurking there.

Im so confused! The feeling of something out of place is still there but i cant seem to find what it is!! Gaaaah! I throw my head up to the sky in frustration. I see the stars, some clouds and the beautuful crescent moon. *sighs* Im calm now :). I walk around the edge of the lake to the big flat rock that i love to sit on. When i sit there i have a perfect view of the lake and the waterfall. I sit there now and enjoy the peacefulness. That is, until i finally see what was giving me that weird sensation. Its in, or behind, the waterfall..... and its glowing. What "it" is im not sure. Is it some sort of firefly nest? Uh, no that makes no sense. Fireflies fly around at night and anyway i dont even thing there are any in this part of the globe.

I get off the rock and walk to the where the waterfall is. There is a path that goes behind it and im curious as to what could be glowing behind there so i start the journey into the other dimension that is the waterfall. Really, its so cool behind there, it actually feels like it shouldnt belong on Earth! Up ahead i can faintly see the glow. I start to sweat in anticipation and i have to admit a bit of fear but i keep going. Once im up close its not scary but actually really cool!!! I still dont know what it is though.... It is on the side of the rock wall and is oval shaped and about 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide. Woooah its a lot bigger than i originaly thought.... I gaze at it for a while, feeling strangely hypnotized. It has blue, purple and green moving swirls inside of it and its... so... preeetttyyy.....

I feel myself leaning towards it but i cant stop. My mind is screaming at my body but it isnt responding! Okay now im freaking out! What the hell is this thing????? Im now slowly walking towards the strange glowing thing. Stop!!! My mind screams. No matter how pretty it is you have to stop Opal!!! Im trying with all my might but im just not strong enough to beat the power of those hypnotic swirls.... okay i guess i didnt learn enough from Naruto about how to break genjutsu.

Now im at the edge of the glowing oval and i finally stop. Yes!! I did it! But then i start leaning forward.... ugh why must i always jinx myself!? Goodbye Cruel world! was my last thought before i plunged forward into the unknown.

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now