Chapter 3~ I Stalk my Sexy Anime Dude

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          Chapter 3

(this is unedited so sorry for any mistakes! but enjoy anyway!!)

Ugh this is so uncomfortable. When did i fall asleep on the ground? I hear splashing.....water. Am i still at the waterfall? The last thing i remember is...

And suddenly i remember. I gasp and bolt upright. As i open my eyes i see that im not actually at the waterfall. Huh? And another thing, its daytime now. I look around at my surroundings curiously. Well it looks like im in the town square, and the splashing i hear is the fountain in the middle with the statue of a rose with vines snaking all around it. I love that statue but i always wonder why exactly it is a rose. So i guess that weird swirly thing was a portal type thing and transported me here somehow. I look around some more and see the familiarness of the cozy little shops lining the streets. Wait.... when did we get that shop? and that shop? and wasnt that a restaurant? Huh, well i guess maybe the town is changing...? Thats normal right? I look around some more and i realize that people are looking at me. Ya i admit that i must look pretty strange. I mean, how many times do you see a girl sleeping in the middle of the town square? WAIT (again) THESE PEOPLE ARE ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap cakes!!!!!! I run over to the fountain to see my reflection and gasp. IM ANIME TOO! Oh my goodfreaking god its a dream come true! My hair is still blonde but its now down to the middle of my back and its a bit shinier than before. I also have straight bangs instead of my usual side bangs. They are the really pretty anime bangs that kind of hang in your eyes but miraculously you can still see perfectly. Oh and my eyes, big perfect anime eyes. They are still green but are a brighter shade and they sparkle more. I am also wearing a black dress still but this one is kind of corsetted and is fancier than the one i had on before. And to top it all off i have on a really cute silver chain necklace that has a red and a black rose on the end.

Oi, im pretty :3 Heehee.

I guess that portal did more than i thought! I still dont know where exactly it transported me to but....... Is that who i think it is?????? ITS ZERO KIRYU!! I always would be able to recognize Zero. With his amazing silvery white hair, shiny light purple eyes that are mixed with so much emotion and of course his yummy, always frowning mouth ;) yes im creepy. So now i know where i am. Im in the Vampire Knight world. Best freaking day of my whole freaking life.

Muhahaha, time to be a stalker! >;) I move away from my reflection in the fountain and proceed to follow Zero. I observe him some more as i follow. Hes wearing his usual white collar shirt with a red tie and black pants, but instead of his Cross Academy day class uniform jacket hes wearing a muted dark purple trenchcoat with the front open. Mmm hes sexy :3. I follow him down the main streets for a while. Surprisingly this town is almost identical to mine in layout. Its like this is my town but in the past... or future even.

As im lost in thought i lose sight if Zero. Oh No! My life is ending!!! I start freaking out on the inside..... okay maybe the outside too. But you should be proud of me for not runnung around with my hands flailing in the air and screaming . Thats what i felt like doing. instead i just darted my eyes around, searching for him in the croud. Luckily i spot him just turning a corner into a narrow allyway. Okay, my town doesnt have those........ weird. I run to catch up to him. When i get into the allyway i start freaking out again. Hes not there! Opal calm down. Theres not much place he could have gone. This allyway only turns to the left and goes behind a building. I run tho the end and look around the corner. Uhmm well there is a person there but its not Zero. This guy is also wearing a trench coat but its black and hes wearing a floppy black hat. Meh, what the heck, ill ask this guy which way Zero went. (as this allyway goes both left and right at the end) I walk up to the guy and say "Excuse me ,sir." He turns around and i see he has black eyes and black hair as well. Emo? Goth? ummm... i snap out of my thoughts and say "Did you happen to see a guy with white hair and purple eyes go by here?" The guy doesnt answer right away but just tilts his head to the side a bit, looking at me and grinning ceepily. Finally he says "Ahh, so you are another." I look at him confused and a bit shocked for a moment but then that turns to fear as his eyes turn a bright bloody red and his grin shows a set of sharp fangs. I start to back away slowly, but he crouches down in an attack position and bares his fangs menacingly at me.

I think, its over as soon as it begins. Wow what a great life.

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now