Chapter 8 ~ Snow

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Chapter 8

*Sighs* I'm so bored. Im laying over the side of the couch upside down, just to see what everything looks from that angle. Thats how bored i am.

I woke up this morning to find that Zero and Headmaster Cross werent here. Grrrs. They probably dont want me to know what they are doing, but they could have at least told me they were leaving. They didnt even leave a note! Its creepy being here all by myself. Even the construction people arent here today! And to top it all off it looks like its going to snow. I like snow and all but it just seems like the wrong time for it right now. Its seems like my favorite season was only here for a few days. Maybe it decided that since i came to the anime world, i dont need the extra happiness it gives me....... Woah now im thinking about seasons as if they are people. Im going crazy from lonliness!!! Cabin Fever! AAHHHHH!!!! IM GONNA DIE ALONE! Theres gonna be a blizzard and the guys wont be able to get back and ill be trapped here all by myself and ill go crazy and then be so hungry that i will resort to eating the furniture and.........

My paranoid thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door opening and people walking in. It was Zero and the headmaster! "FINALLY!" I run up to them and wrap them both in a huge hug and say while anime crying, "OH THANK GOD YOU GUYS ARE BACK! I WAS GOING TO HAVE TO EAT FURNITURE!!!!!!!!!!"

Zero grunts in annoyance and pries himself away from my arms. The headmaster however, hugs me back and anime cries along with me.

"My poor Opal! You dont need to eat the furniture! Daddys back now!"

I break away from the hug and step back. I smile sheepishly up at both of them and say, "Sorry about that! I have a wild imagination. Heehee."

"Obviously." Zero grumbles at me

After the guys hang up their coats, Headmaster Cross goes into the kitchen to make tea and Zero and i go into the living room. Zero sits in a chair in the corner (the loner!) and i sit on the couch. Just as i sit down though, something catches my eye at the window.... Its snow! Now that im not alone snow doesnt seem like such a bad thing! I jump off the couch and run over to the window.

"ITS SNOWING!" I kneel in front of the window and watch in wonder at the fat puffy snowflakes. Yes, things this simple fascinate me. :3

"Isnt this cool?" I ask the loner in the corner.

"Its just snow." he mumbles.

*Gasp!* "Just snow?? How could you say that?" I run over to where hes sitting and shake him by the shoulders.

"Zero Kiryu we need to make you appreciate the awesomeness of snow!!! Starting.... now!" I grab him by the hand and pull him up out of the chair and down the hall to the front door. I throw it open and run outside, dragging him with me.

"What are you doing?? Its cold out here." my hostage protests

I run away from the house a little ways, but i stop when Zero finally pulls away.

"What are you doing?" he repeats, a bit annoyed.

"Teaching you how to love snow! Observe step 1!" I proceed to spin around in circles with my arms out and my face pointed towards the sky. I stick out my tongue to catch the snowflakes and enjoy the cold flakes landing on my face.

"ZERO! Your turn!" i stop spinning and point at him. He doesnt move. Thats to be expected, he doesnt know how to have fun. But hes not getting out of this that easily! I grab his hands and start to spin again, forcing him to do the same. I try to catch snowflakes with my tongue again. Instead of landing on my tongue though they land in my eyes!

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