Chapter 12~ A plan

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Chapter 12

"Oh somebodies at the door." I wake up to hear the Headmaster calling down the hall. I get up from my bed and dash out the door. I love visiters!!! Even if I did just wake up. I run down the hallway and skid around the corner to face~ ~

"TOGA YAGARI!!!" I scream as I see the man standing in the doorway. "YOUR AWESOME! I LOVE YOU!!" I run up to him and wrap my arms around his waist. If he wasn't so much bigger than me I would probably pick him up and spin him around in circles. This guy is just that awesome. He deserves better hugs than I can give!

Toga Yagari.... a vampire hunter. One of the best actually! He's right up there with Kaien Cross! He was Zero and Ichiru's mentor when they were younger. Ichiru is Zeros twin brother. Or he was... Zero was forced to drink his brothers blood in order to stop himself from becoming a level E. Ichiru was dying and he wanted to help Zero soo... he made him drink his blood. It was so sad!!! :'( I cried when I watched it. Before that happened though, Toga Yagari came to Cross Academy to watch Zero and be sure he didn't become dangerous, and later he helped in the fight with Rido Kuran and the level E vampires. And that is how I came to know his awesomeness!

I smile up at my new best friend as he gives me a WTF look. "Hi." I say innocently. "I'm Opal. And yes, I'm always this weird." I let go of Yagari and look around to see Zero standing by the door giving me a blank stare and the Headmaster walking into the entryway to greet his fellow vampire hunter.

"Yagari! It's been so long! Why haven't you come to see me sooner?" The Headmaster exclaims and glides up to Yagari with his arms open wide and his eyes shining.

"I'm here to check on Zero, actually." Says Yagari. The Headmasters hopes and dreams visibly smash into pieces and fall onto the floor.... in the forms of tears. His arms drop and he goes and stands in the corner crying and sniffling. Never before have I met a more emotional person.... I turn my attention back to Yagari to see him and Zero giving each other strange looks.

Zeros POV

"Hello Master." I say without changing my expression.

"Hello pupil." He grins and ruffs my hair. An action that had existed ever since I was a child and he was my mentor. But does he have to do that every time he sees me? I brush his hand off my head in annoyance. "Cut it out!"

His grin widens as he drops his hand. His gaze drifts behind me and he says, "Cute pj's." I turn around in time to see Opal look down at herself with a shocked expression. She looks back up at us with a blush creeping up her face. "Uh... thanks." She takes a step backwards. "I'll be right back... just gotta go change... heh heh heh." And with that she turns and bolts down the hallway.

Yagari chuckles beside me. I glance over at him curiously. "You sure do attract some interesting girls."

Umm, I'm not sure how I should respond to that so I just sweatdrop and start walking into the living room, gesturing for him to follow. I take the chair in the corner and he takes the couch. The Headmaster appears out of nowhere and sits in the chair across from me. He props his elbows on his knees and rests his chin on his hands, which are laid out flat with the fingers laced together. It's almost a girly position... I've come to expect that from him most of the time though. It seems Yagari has too because he just rolls his eyes... or eye... one is covered by his eye-patch. It's covering the injury that was my fault. I still feel guilty about that day. I was a stupid child that couldn't accept reality!

"Yoo hoo, Zero? Anybody home?" I blink and look up to see the Headmaster and Yagari looking at me. Oops, I guess I zoned out a bit.

"Yeah, sorry." I push the memories of my childhood to the back of my mind, where they stay.. for now. I focus my attention on the conversation going on in front of me.

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