Chapter 13 ~ So Close Yet So Far Away....

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Chapter 13... Guys im so sorry i havent updated for so freaking long!! This chapter is kind of short but please enjoy! :)

"C'mon Zero...... hurry!!" Ugh he's so slow! We're on our way to the portal and I'm so excited but Zero keeps lagging behind. He's trudging behind me with his head down and his hands shoved into his pockets. When I call to him he doesn't even bother to look up. I stand a ways down the path from him with my hands on my hips and an irk mark on my forehead as I wait for him to catch up. Once he does I grab his arm, so that he has to go at my pace, and start walking again. He jumps in surprise at my action but doesn't pull away. After a few awkward seconds I look at him. Hes looking at me in that strange way of his that is impossible to read.

"What?" I ask nervously.

He smirks at my nervous tone and his eyes sparkle playfully as he replies, "Aren't you supposed to be mad at me?"

"I am mad.... what does that have to do with anything anyway??"

"Well typically people don't hold hands with the person they are mad at."

"WHAT?? Since when are we holding hands?" I glance down to where I grabbed Zeros arm ...... "OH!...." We are indeed holding hands. How the hell did I not notice?? I guess I should pay more attention to what I'm doing....

"Sorry Zero! I honestly didn't know!" I start to pull my hand away but he grips it and says, "No, it's fine.... my hand was cold anyway so it could use some warming up."

Huh??? I stare up at him in surprise. This doesn't seem like Zero at all! He's probably just kidding... But then why his he looking at me like that? His violet eyes are gentle as he looks into my confused green ones.

I really am confused, but I decide to go with it... because I don't mind... and... honestly this is the kind of thing that I use to daydream about, back when Zero was just a part of a TV show. We walk hand in hand the rest of the way to the portal... and I have to admit that I did enjoy it quite a bit. As we enter the clearing with the waterfall I smile at the familiar sight. Surprisingly, the recent event that ocured here hasn't affected my thoughts of this place at all. Zero and I both stop and watch the clear, rushing water as it falls over the ledge and down into the depths of the lake. The sound of it is soothing and I find myself relaxing completely for the first time in a while. Zero seems to be affected the same way.

"This really is a beautiful place." Zero says quietly.

"Yeah." I agree. "It's in my world too, and it's one of my most favorite places to go." After that I find myself telling him about all the wonderful times I've had at the waterfall. I tell him about when I first discovered it one day when I was upset about something, and the mere sight of it had cheered me up, when I brought my friend Emma to it and we went 'searching for mermaids' in the lake. I tell him about all my good memories right up to the time I discovered the portal. Zero is quiet when I'm talking, but when I'm finished he says, "I wish I had a place that's special to me." It doesn't seem like he's really talking to me, and I can't think of a decent reply, so I stay silent and continue to watch the waterfall.

Suddenly I look up at the sky and see that a lot of time has gone by. We left the Academy in the morning and it's now almost dusk. I really must be out of it today to have not noticed so much time going by! I stand up, grab Zeros hand again (it doesn't seem awkward anymore) and pull him to his feet as well.

"I guess we should go now." I say as I lead him over to the path behind the waterfall that leads to the portal. I glance back at him to see that he's looking up at the sky in surprise, just as I had done. I guess he hadn't realized what time it was either. We're so late! We have to get through the portal before night, otherwise we would have wasted an entire day! When we get about halfway to the path to the portal I get a weird sensation... It must be my sixth sense thing again. It feels like somethings coming.. Uh oh... If somethings coming then it could only be the Protectors. I'd forgotten about them and I wonder why they haven't come to protect their precious portal until now. Hmm strange.... I don't have any time to ponder it though because I can sense them getting closer by the second. I start to run, but I'm jerked back because mine and Zeros hands are still connected. Ugh, thats the one downside to him being so strong, he didn't even budge when i pulled with all my strength! And it hurt my arm :'( *sniffles* Anyway, I yell at Zero to run as I let go of his hand and begin running and having a mini panic attack because I can feel them getting closer and closer. Suddenly I'm not on the ground anymore and my mini panic attack turns into an actual panic attack. "GAAH THEY GOT ME, THEY GOT ME!! NOOO!!" I'm screaming my butt off and waving my arms around with my eyes squeezed shut because I'm almost positive that the Protectors came and kidnapped me.... Until.... I smack something with my flailing hand.... I stop screaming and flailing as I slowly open my eyes....only to see Zeros face. Ooooh so I wasn't kidnapped! As I look around some more I realize that I'm off the ground because Zero had picked me up and was now carrying me... O_o hmmm seems like this guy needs to learn some boundaries, thinking he can just pick me up whenever he wants- OH!!! WE'RE MOVING! Zero is running as he carries me... wow I can't believe I didn't notice! I mentally facepalm before I glare up at him and find him glaring back... What did I do??? "You hit my face!" He annoyedly says. "Woops, heehee sowwy." I say as I give him a sheepish look. He just shakes his head and concentrates more on running. Just a bit farther to go, I can see the portal up ahead. I can also feel the protectors getting closer still. It's kind of like a tingley feeling all over my body and a sense of urgency that I can't ignore, no matter how hard I try. Suddenly I get an even more urgent feeling that makes my head spin and my vision go fuzzy around the edges. The message it gives me is clear.


I gasp as Zero stumbles and slows down. My head automatically turns to look behind us. What I see is something as amazing as it is terrifying. Behind us is a shadowy form... almost human shaped but somehow not quite. It glitters around the edges and seems to float and glide and shift as it moves. Honestly I'm as confused about it's appearance as you are....

The protector has its arm out, and it's shimmering shadowy hand is gripping the back of Zero's shirt, trying to stop him from going the last few feet that he needs to in order to escape through the portal. "Zero!..." I call out his name as the protector begins to drag him back, away from the portal. "Ugh, the damn things are so strong!" He grumbles as he fights back by trying to move forward. He succeeds and we move a bit closer to our escape.... but it's not enough. The protector is stonger and he whips zero backwards. Since he was carrying me I expected to fly backwards with him, but instead I feel myself flying forwards.... towards the portal. What???

I look back at the same time that I realize what must have happened. My eyes meet Zero's and from the expression in them I know that I'm right.....

Zero threw me.... he threw me towards the portal to save me..... That IDIOT!!!!!!! I have just enough time to glare at him before he is dragged back into the shadows and I am swallowed up by the swirly depths of the portal.

And Into The Portal We Go (a Vampire Knight fanfic) ON HOLD unfortunatelyWhere stories live. Discover now