Chapter 4

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"What the fuck happened to you?" A voice laced with worry whispered from the door. Vic. As soon as he heard the news from my mom, he dropped everything he was doing and came to see me. He dropped his bag against the floor of my room before shutting the door behind him and slowly making his way towards me.

I opened my mouth to speak as Vic lightly touched my cheek, causing me to hiss in pain and turn my face the other way, my cheek still seemed to be tender, throbbing with a dull ache. His thumb lightly traced my busted lip, running his finger across the tender flesh. My lip trembled so I bit it to stop it, moving away from his touch. I didn't tell my mom about what actually happened. She didn't even know up until a few hours ago. Dr. Iero had come by and helped me with my arm. Oli broke it and I also had a broken rib. Despite Dr. Iero's protest, I didn't want to go to the hospital.

"Kellin, this is a serious matter. You need medical attention. Did your boyfriend do this?" He had asked me. I turned my face away from him and stared down at my lap.

"I didn't call you to interrogate me, I called you to help me." My voice cracked. His harsh look wavered for a minute as he let out a sigh. He got to work on my arm, "What happened?" He asked in a quiet voice. I screamed out in pain as he moved my arm, luckily my mom wouldn't be home till tomorrow, she has long night shifts. "I'm sorry, but it's going to hurt. Sorry." He whispered as his own pain wrote itself on his face.

"I-I was walking home...yeah, a-and I got...jumped. That's what happened." I told him, looking away. He placed an ice pack against my stomach for the time being while pulling out more bandages to wrap my arm. The house was silent, the only exception being my pained breathing. Dr. Iero waited a moment before replying.

"I can tell you're lying but I won't pressure you into telling me. I just want you to be safe, Kellin." He said, sighing again in disappointment. I tugged at my hair, twirling it around my fingers. My eyes teared up around the edges as I wiped them away.

"Vic, nothing happened to me, I'm fine." I told him as he sat down next to me. He rolled his eyes, scooting closer to me to lightly hug me. I took a deep breath in, savoring the way his arms wrapped around me protectively. I really wanted to tell Vic the truth, but knowing him, he'd go out on a rampage to find Oli and he'd probably kill him. I loved the both of them, I wasn't going to let them claw at each other because of me. Besides, it wasn't Oli's fault, he was out of it, it was the drugs. Yeah, it was the drugs...

"Kellin," he said sternly, taking a deep breath, his nostrils flaring. He knew I was lying, too. I took notice that everytime Vic is being serious with me, he uses my whole name and not the nickname he gave me. I looked into Vic's brown eyes, they mirrored the hurt he was feeling, all the emotion swirling in them was so intense. He cared, he truly cared.

"I was w-walking home w-when I got j-jumped." I hated lying to Vic. I hated lying in general, but especially when I lied to Vic because he could tell. He knew I wasn't telling the truth and that hurt him. Everytime I lied to him, I felt like I lost a bit of him that I could never get back. He looked away from and rubbed his jaw, looking down at his hands.

"You know what, it's fine. Don't tell me, it's not like you trust me." He snapped. I lightly touched him with my good arm, struggling not to move my torso too much, as he moved away to stand. He snatched his arm from my touch, moving me in the process. I yelped in pain as he froze and turned to me, regret overtaking his features.

"Fuck, Kellin, I'm sorry." He turned back to me, caressing my arm. I smiled sadly at him, the pain coursing through my body. A dull ache had settled itself over my abdomen, and I writhed around on my bed. "Kells, I think I'm just gonna go." He told me, standing and scratching at his sleeve clad arm. I watched him as he walked towards my door, picking up his bag.

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