Chapter 8

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As I pulled away from Vic, he looked shocked. I didn't blame him. Now I was hesitant to even look at Vic. But, I couldn't really say I wanted to take it back. His lips were so soft and even though it was just a peck, maybe, I couldn't deny that it didn't feel wrong. At all. It's not like I was cheating on Oli with Vic. Vic's my best friend, it didn't really change things between us. I hoped so at least. I didn't feel guilty for kissing Vic but, should I have? Vic's deep brown eyes were quizzical as he looked at me, mouth slightly ajar. I could already feel my cheeks heat up.

In a snap, his arm slid around my waist and pulled me flat against him. Whatever look he had before was soon replaced with...I don't know what. My hands fell to his chest to balance myself (of course) as I looked up at his dark eyes. What I didn't expect was for him to plant his lips on mine again.

His lips moved against mine with a certain rhythm, a certain pace. The friction between our lips sent buzzes of electricity through me. He moved fast, yet with purpose as I lightly groaned into the kiss. I gripped his shirt to pull him closer to me, relishing in the way his lips moved and curved so effortlessly against mine. His chest pressed against my own, his arms tightening around my waist. It wasn't long before I felt his warm wet tongue slightly poke out and touch my bottom lip.

I pulled away with a gasp though. My body felt on fire, every inch of me that he touched blazed like hot coals. Shocks ran down my fingertips as I took in slow, discreet deep breaths. All at once the blood ran to my cheeks. We had (technically) just made out. But I stopped it before it could get to tongue. We were almost there though. What did this mean? Did Vic think it was a mistake? Was it a mistake?

"I'm so sor-" I started but I was cut off by the abrupt opening of the front door. Our heads snapped quickly to the side as if we were almost caught doing something bad. In a way, I felt we kind of were. Vic and I never really kissed. We stuck to pecks on the cheeks or forehead. I wouldn't deny the fact that I wanted to do it again though. Kissing him was a new experience. It gave me certain chills that I just couldn't quiet place.

"Mom. What're you doing here?" I asked her as she walked into the kitchen and set the grocery bags down. She walked over to the two of us and placed a kiss on our foreheads before proceeding to the sink.

"I live here. That should be a good enough reason, right?" She said with a small laugh. Vic and I were too frozen to actually join her. The shock from what both he and I did was starting to set in and soon afterwards so would the awkwardness. She dried her hands on her shirt, meanwhile Vic turned to finish making the food for us. With his back turned, she gave me a questioning look. I bit my lip and shook my head lightly, mentally telling her that I'd tell her later. She nodded her head and went about putting away the groceries.

"So, what've you two been up to?" Again, I shook my head at her, my cheeks burning. I noticed I was still standing close to Vic so I took a few steps back which earned an eyebrow raise from her.

"Not much. I'm just making Kells something to eat." Vic told her, shrugging his shoulders. I stared down at my fingers, playing with them. I wasn't too sure about Vic, but I already felt uncomfortable. I looked up and briefly caught his dark gaze before he averted his eyes quickly.

"I'll be waiting upstairs,Vic. I'll talk to you later, mom." I gave her a small smile before I kissed her cheek and went up. When I was out of there I was able to breathe. I felt so nervous. And jittery. Inside, my body was going off like fireworks but outside I was freaking out. I walked over to the bed and laid on it.

Vic spoke to my mom like nothing had happened. How was it that he managed to stay so calm and collected after something like that? It was intense. Yet filled with a certain something that I'd been lacking for awhile now. I wouldn't tell Oli. That'd be setting myself up for disaster. Maybe Vic doesn't want to talk about it but I sure as hell do. I had so many questions. But I doubted I'd be willing to voice them.

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