Chapter 10

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"Vic, who've you been texting all day? Could you at least focus on the road?" I asked, letting out a sigh as I stared out the window. We were at a red light and every chance Vic had he'd whip out his phone and text at lightning speed. It bugged me because I didn't know who he was texting or what it was about, and every single time his phone would ping he'd read the text and end up with a small, smug smile on his face. It annoyed the hell out of me.

"Sorry, sorry." Vic apologized, putting his phone back into his pocket and keeping that smug smile on his face. "Who're you texting anyways?" I couldn't help but ask again. He let out a soft hum. "No one, Kells." He told me. My gaze was locked outside the window as I rolled my eyes.

The minute we were pulled up in the parking lot I grabbed my things and got out. I looked back at the car as I was nearing the entrance to see Vic sitting there still with that same smug smile with the light from his phone glowing onto his face. It was so annoying. Again, I rolled my eyes and walked into school alone. Vic had been texting this mysterious person since Monday and it was now Thursday.

I also had pains from Oli. No matter how hard I tried to keep him satisfied, he'd always be unsatisfied. I thought things were okay when I met up with him Monday but he was angry about something that had gone down with his dealer (who I assumed he was going to buy drugs from) and he lost his money. In return, he took it out on me and blamed I was the reason he lost his money and that I stole it. I denied his accusations which only upset him more. I should've just gave him some money so he'd stop.

I slammed my locker closed after struggling to push Vic's things inside, I was getting so frustrated. So upset. And I had no idea why. I woke up with a feeling twisting in my gut, something I tried to ignore, but the longer I kept these thoughts, these feelings, to myself, the more and more my emotions got the better of me. My eyes watered as a sense of sadness mixed with the frustration had washed over me. I took two deep breaths through my nose to calm myself. I stared at the decaying paint that chipped along the edges of my locker, trying to clear my mind just a bit before classes started.

"Kellin! Hey, Kells, wait up!" Vic called to me as he rushed down the hallway. Again, the feeling came back and I couldn't force myself to see Vic. I couldn't force myself to see anyone at the moment but there was nowhere I could go to hide the way I was feeling. Still, I walked away from Vic quickly. I could hear the pattern of his footsteps slowly recede but I could most definitely feel his gaze still on me as I practically ran away.

The bell rang as people scurried around me, pushing me and shoving me. Being in such a small hallway full of crowds made my emotions decline rapidly. I didn't care if I was going to miss first period, I just needed to be alone. Vic would probably wonder where I am since we have first together, but I didn't even care about that. Finally, I found an empty classroom with the lights off and went in there.

I shut the door and went to the wall farthest away from it before leaning against it and sinking down to hold my knees to my chest. I tried breathing in and out, but no matter how many times I tried I just kept getting worse and worse. Something wet fell onto my hand and it was only then that I realized I started crying. And once I realized that I started, I couldn't stop. The tears burned my eyes and slipped down my face as a sense of hurt and meaninglessness mixed inside me. A sob left my mouth as the tears fell down harder. I tugged at my hair and tried to quiet myself but I just couldn't. I felt so silly with how easily I let these emotions take me over. I felt ridiculous crying in an empty classroom alone. I felt stupid for letting it get to this point. But when I'd walk out this classroom, I'd convince myself that nothing happened and that I didn't just have a break down in school. I'd pretend that everything is fine and that so am I. But even thinking about it made me cry more. I sat in this empty classroom until first period was over and even then I was still crying. All of my emotions had just balled themselves up into one and they wouldn't hold back. I cried more and more. Softer each time until they finally came to a halt with twenty minutes left of second period.

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