Chapter 6

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Going into the front entrance of the school building alone was terrifying. All the regular groups had situated themselves outside, waiting for the warning bell to ring. I never felt so nervous, my heart sinking into my stomach. I had never walked into school without Vic, he'd usually be by my side, and without him, I felt Maybe I was too attached to Vic, or maybe I had anxiety of some sort.

I wrapped my arms around myself, keeping my head down as I passed by people. Some kids snickered at me, but it could've been to someone behind me, I doubt it though. I pulled my sleeves over my hands and rushed into the school, heading straight for my locker. I had a lot of work to turn in and a lot more work to collect. I just wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle the day alone.

The bell rang for the last class of the day, relief spreading through my body. I grabbed my things before heading out of the class, going down the hall towards my locker. So far, I had had no problems with anybody. Usually, I'd be expecting someone to tease me or maybe hit me, but nothing ever came and honestly, that had me on edge.

Vic wasn't here, no one had messed with me yet, something was up. There had to be something up. I put my things away in my locker, and waited for the hallways to clear out. Once they did, I made my way towards the doors to the parking lot. I had no clue if Oli would be waiting for me or not, and if he did, I only wished for the best. If he wasn't, then I'd just walk home. The walk wouldn't be too far, I was sure I could handle it.

I stepped outside and quickly scanned the parking lot, but I was interrupted by footsteps coming from my left. In a panick, I turned to see who it was and I could've sworn my stomach jolted when I did see who it was.

"Did ya have a nice day, Kelly?" Ronnie teased me. I don't know what Ronnie's problem with me was, I had never done anything to him, at least not anything to make him bully me as much as he did. I really wasn't up for his antics right now anyways, I had to go home to Vic. He didn't want me to leave and I told him I'd come back.

"Just leave me alone." I mumbled, trying to make my way past him. He stepped in front of me and pushed me back, making me run into his two friends who had positioned themselves behind me. They grabbed me and pushed me towards the school side walls, where we were out of view.

"Where's your little boy toy? Huh, where's Viccy?" He growled, shoving me against the wall. My back made contact with the rough cement and the air rushed out of my lungs, I gasped in shock. Thankfully, he hadn't touched my arm.

"Aren't ya gonna fucking answer me?" He demanded, stepping forward to take hold of my hair. I cried out in pain, bringing my arms up to pull his hand away, I couldn't though, he was too strong. His friends laughed around me, the sounds burying themselves inside my skull.

"Stop! I didn't do anything, stop!" I tried. He only laughed in my face. I turned my head away from him, I couldn't look into his eyes. They were evil, they were feeding off of my fear. His friends only laughed harder when he grabbed ahold of my cheeks, turning my head to face him. He smirked and leaned forward. What the hell was he trying to do? I figured out what he wanted when his lips touched mine and I tried to push myself back. He stopped kissing me and growled, and brought his hand up swiftly across my cheek, making me gasp in pain. Then he bit my bottom lip, hard. He was quickly yanked off me though.

"He fuckin' said stop!" Oli roared. He was so angry. Only I ever saw him this angry. He pulled Ronnie back and punched him straight in the jaw, making him stumble back. He rubbed his jaw and stared Oli right in the eyes. The two stood toe to toe. But before Ronnie could make another move, Oli pushed him and then shoved him against the wall by his neck, wrapping his fingers around the flesh. Ronnie's friends made no sudden move to help him, they looked terrified, bodies kept still in their shoes. I didn't blame them. His head viciously made contact with the wall, but that didn't stop him from trying to reach up to hit Oli.

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