Chapter 9

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It was Saturday and the two of us lay in bed breathing hard and loud. I rolled over onto my stomach so that Oli couldn't see me. I didn't get to finish but I wasn't going to say anything to him about it. All my bruises were gone and I was fine. Physically of course. I didn't want to risk getting hurt all over again because he felt he couldn't please me. Or think that I was cheating on him because I wasn't.

With my body turned away from him, I pulled on my panties before throwing on my extra large black sweater. It reached mid thigh and helped to cover my hard on. I pulled on my shorts and stood up, going over to his dresser to look in the mirror and fix my hair.

"Where are you going?" He asked me, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and turning on his side to watch me.

"I have to get home, mom's expecting me." I told him. I lied though, mom wasn't expecting me. She was working today, like always. I just didn't want to be with Oli right now. He was less than affectionate when I came over. He just immediately wanted me to sleep with him. Those were his intentions the minute he texted me to come over, claiming he missed me.

Besides, Vic was home alone right now and I didn't want him to be bored. He was recovered, just like me, but he insisted he wasn't. He had finally admitted to me yesterday that he just didn't want to go home, that he just wanted to stay with me because it's better there than his home. My heart clenched for him. But it also swelled simply because he had also told me he was happy with me.

Oli said nothing more, opting to just roll onto his other side and fall asleep. I rolled my eyes at him. After I finished in the mirror, I walked right out of his apartment. The air felt cool against my legs as I walked home. Glimpses of the last time I walked home flashed through my eyes. I shook my head to rid myself of the thoughts and kept an even pace.

In no time I was at the front door, making my way up the stairs towards my room. I entered and the smell of cigarette smoke hit me intensely. I looked at Vic and cocked an eyebrow at him. "Seriously? You couldn't even open the window?" I asked him, placing a hand against my hip. He gave me another sheepish shrug before putting the butt of his cigarette out.

"It could've been weed. So be glad it was just a cigarette." He said to me, shrugging his shoulders. I opened the window and repeated the process of spraying air freshener around the room before walking over to him and falling onto the bed with my arms wrapped around him.

He let out a satisfied sigh and put an arm around me. "How was it with Oli?" He asked me, a generic question. I was still beyond frustrated, but I would ignore it for now.

"We just had sex and then I left." I told him. As I said the words aloud I realized that maybe I sounded a bit like an ass just going over and sleeping with him and then leaving, but it was the other way around.

"Wow Kell, didn't think you'd be the type." Vic said to me, chuckling. I hit him in the side playfully, rolling my eyes at him. "That's not what happened." I told him. He looked at me and brushed some of my hair out my face, tucking it behind my ear. "Then please, do tell." He said.

"It was actually the other way around, Viccy." I said, smiling as he rolled his eyes at the horrible nickname I used. He hated being called Viccy, but I low-key enjoyed calling him that just to push his buttons. "Oli had called me over claiming he missed me and just wanted to hang out. When really, he just wanted a piece of this," I said, motioning with my hand my body. It did annoy me that he only wanted to sleep with me but if that meant having him keep his hands off of me for a little while longer then I was okay with that.

"Well, that sucks." He said to me, rubbing my waist. As I focused more on his hand, I realized I couldn't have him touching me because I needed to calm down. His touch sent warm tingles to erupt through my body and only reminded me of the hard on I was trying to conceal. I lightly nudged his arm away from around me. He gave me a confused look.

Don't Say Anything (boyxboy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora