Chapter 14

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I'm v sick but that's still no excuse as to why this is so late. I'm sorry.


Vic's P.O.V

I pulled up to the skate park and stared at the dark space in front of me. The day had darkened and the stars shined dimly in the smog ridden sky. Old, decaying leaves colored red, yellow, and orange littered the ground and crunched beneath my feet as I stepped out of my car. A bad feeling pitted itself in the bottom of my stomach. I pulled my wallet out and checked how much money I had before walking over to the tree I had become far too familiar with which was only associated through negative connotations.

The single glow of the bud of a burning orange cigarette stood out as I approached the shadowy figure leaned against the dying brown trunk of the tree. They exhaled as the smoke fell from their lips in a toxic cloud of gray and white smoke and evaporated. I looked around, checking for any nearby people that would know what was about to go down. I saw none. Even the skate park was empty when it was usually full of teenagers drinking and smoking when they should be sleeping.

The cigarette fell as the orange bud sizzled away to a low glow and then died out. Shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets, Josh greeted me. "Aye, Fuentes. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" He asked, crooked smile showing a row of straight white teeth. I let out a sigh and ignored him. "Whatever, let's just get this over with." He shook his head and let out a small gruff chuckle.

"Always one to get things done quickly, huh." He stated. I rolled my eyes at him and took out the hundred dollar bill from my wallet. "Here, just give me what I came for." I told him, slapping the bill in his hand as he reached into the book bag he had brought and pulled out the plastic bag. Inside was exactly what I needed. I don't know how or where he gets this stuff, and I'd rather not ask. But sometimes I can't help but feel the need to turn to this. To drugs. But sometimes I can't help it.

"It was nice doing business with you." Josh smirked, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it as I was about to walk away.

"Babe, I've missed you." I heard a voice call. A voice that had me freezing in my tracks. I hadn't left from in front of Josh yet, still confused and unsure if the voice I was hearing was actually him. The gruff British accent almost made me want to believe it wasn't him. But even I knew it was.

"Oli?" I whispered, confused at first. And then he appeared in front of me. What the fuck was Oli doing here calling Josh babe?

"Missed you, too. I was just finishing up with a client here." Josh told him. And once Oli's gaze flickered to me, he smirked. Did this fucking bastard even know what was going on?

"Oh, well, who would've thought? Viccy here is on heroine. I wasn't surprised, really. I always knew there was something off about you." He said. Josh looped his arm around Oli's waist and pulled him closer.

"You're cheating on Kellin?" I asked quietly, still stuck with my mind racing. It hadn't been registered yet that Oli knew I was on drugs but it would set in eventually. "What was that, sport?" Josh asked, smug smile still attached to his lips.

"You're fucking cheating on Kellin?" I said much louder, my voice rising three levels. I was pissed. I was beyond angry. Here this fucker was cheating on Kellin while he's in the hospital comatose right now and he probably doesn't even know, much less care. The bag was clutched tightly in my grasp as my other hand clenched into a fist.

"Well, mate, it's not cheating if he doesn't know about it." Oli laughed.

"Don't you mean it's not cheating if he's not conscious to know about it!" I spat out, mocking him as my voice filled with rage. He stepped away from Josh for a brief minute. "Wait, what do you mean not conscious?" He asked. I rolled my eyes at him.

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