Chapter 5

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With my bruises now fully faded, and my body pains no more, I was finally able to get back on my feet regularly. Of course, every now and then I got an occasional burn in my side or shortness of breath, but other than that, I was fine. And my arm was still wrapped. But I was getting better. Oli hadn't stopped by yet, and I was just dreading his visit. The day after Vic dropped me off, Oli had left me some roses and a small bear. Something that had been considered a norm for us. He'd leave gifts for me as an apology, and I'd stupidly accept it. But he would never apologize to me directly, he'd just leave a card attached to the roses saying sorry.

It was Sunday and I had a lot of homework that I needed to do. Missing a couple days never worked out for me because then I'd get piled up with homework that I would put more effort into to get a good grade. Or a decent one at least. My mom was still really worried about me because the school called her about what happened with Ronnie and she was scared it'd be a regular thing. She didn't know it already was a regular thing, but I didn't plan on letting her know that.

I sat on my bed, pencil between my teeth as I flipped through my notes. I was halfway done with an English assignment when my phone started ringing. I pushed through sheets of paper and ended up knocking over one of my textbooks to find it. When I picked it up, the person stopped calling, but a few seconds later, they called again. It was Vic. Why would he call when he could just come right over?

"Uh, Vic?" I answered, confusion inking my voice. I heard a strangled gasp for air as Vic coughed harshly into the receiver. "K-Kells," the receiver was crackly and I couldn't really make out the background noises. I wasn't focused on that though, instead I had all my attention on Vic. "Vic, what's wrong?" I asked him, standing up off my bed. "Front door, now." He said before hanging up. I rushed down the steps, taking two at a time, to get to the door. As soon as I opened it, Vic stumbled inside, maroon hoodie pulled over his head.

I used both of my arms, despite my pain, and helped him upstairs into my room. His breathing was jagged and he limped up the stairs, hissing through his teeth every time he tried to move too fast. I bit my lip hard, wondering what the hell could've happened to him. Vic hadn't said anything to me yet, taking gulps of air. Everytime he breathed in I could hear his hoarse, shaky voice and the whimpers behind them. My stomach plummeted in anxious nerves and fear. Fear that Oli might've gotten to him.

"Vic," my voice broke, the edges of my eyes filled with wet tears that left wet trails down my cheeks. He looked up at me and offered a sad, pained smile that mirrored his expression. I let him sit on the edge of my bed, moving the pillows around him carefully. I had never seen Vic like this. I mean, sure he got into fights every now and then, but never this bad. His lip was busted, his nose was bleeding, and I'm positive he had bruises scattered everywhere all over his body. I had never seen him so...vulnerable.

Slowly, I pulled off his hoodie and looked at him. He had a long sleeve on. But I needed to take that off too to assess the damage. I reached for the ends of it, but Vic stopped me. "No, don't." His voice cracked. His puffy eyes looked at me in a begging manner. I bit my lip in contemplation, and decided that if that's what he wanted, then I'll go with it. But I still couldn't help but worry.

"Can I at least see your stomach?" He moved his shirt up slowly, but I saw nothing. No scratches, no bruises, nothi-

"Oh my god, Vic."

Right below where his fist clenched the shirt, there was a bruise. But it wasn't your average small bruise. This one was a deep shade of purple, and it looked like it was only just the beginning. "Pull it up higher." I whispered, not taking my eyes off the bruise.


"I said pull it up higher." I demanded. I knew it was bigger. It had to be. I used to have bruises like that from Oli so there was no point in lying to me. "Kellin, it's nothing."

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