Chapter 11

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"I-I don't want to have sex, Oli. I mean, I didn't come here for that." I told Oli timidly while standing next to the couch. I watched as he brought the cancer stick up to his lips and inhaled, slowly releasing it through his parted lips. His hazel eyes looked at me through thick lashes.

"Then what'd you come here for, babe?" He asked me. Unlike any other time, his voice didn't sound harsh. Instead, he sounded like my boyfriend. The boyfriend I knew before all the abuse. I took that as my opportunity to sit next to Oli and lean my head against his shoulder.

I had been feeling a bit disconnected to the world since I told Vic to get out. Of course he had only been gone two days but still, I felt like I had attacked my other half. And it hurt a lot. And it was really...lonely. I just felt like I needed some human interaction since mom was always working and Vic or Oli were usually the people I'd go to.

"Babe, I got some friends we can hang out with. Wanna go get some coffee with them or something?" He asked me. Instantly, I felt myself brighten at the mentioning of friends, nodding my head at him. But I tried quickly not to show it because then I remembered that they were friends of Oli who share similar interest. But it was just coffee. Just coffee. Nothing would go wrong.

"Come on, let's go." He said to me, offering his hand to me as he stood up.

Upon entering the small cafe, I took notice of the light coffee scent that wafted around me and invaded my senses. The place was about medium sized with a small stage off to my left against the wall, two guys around my age were setting up, and the room was warm and cozy. Oli and I took a seat in a booth near the window, across from the small stage.

"Alright guys, we're Jack and Alex and pretty soon we'll be playing a song we wrote. Hope you guys like it."

Oli's leg bounced rapidly as he sat next to me, my hand held lightly in his grasp and every so often he'd give it a light squeeze. I turned to look at him, his features sharp against the soft lights from the small cafe gave him an angelic appearance. He seemed distraught by something, eyes concentrated outside the window, constantly flickering back and forth across passing faces and lingering birds. I couldn't help myself as I leaned over quickly to peck him on the cheek.

He turned abruptly to look at me, snapping out of whatever daze he was in, his expression flashed with anger before he realized it was me. It softened and he gave me a small smile before leaning closer to kiss my lips. I smiled into the kiss.

"There are the two love birds! It's 'bout time I met the wonderful person who stole this cold bastard's heart!" The tall man spoke, his deep chuckle startling me, rising a blush to my cheeks as I moved my face from Oli's. The guy was tall. And I mean really tall, so tall that I barely noticed the ginger standing behind him tapping away at his phone. The tall, tattooed man outstretched a hand across the booth to shake my hand.

"I'm Austin." He smiled. "Alan," He said after shaking my hand, gaining the attention of, well, Alan. The ginger's head snapped up as he removed the black sunglasses off his nose as he looked around the cafe.

"Babe, say hi. Where the fuck are your manners?" Austin scoffed, unable to fight the obvious smile fighting at the corners of his lips as Alan rolled his eyes playfully.

"Sorry about that. I'm Alan." I smiled at the two before averting my gaze. For a moment an awkward silence came over the small booth. However it was disturbed when Austin cleared his throat.

"So, Kellin, right?" I nodded my head, giving him the signal to continue. "Tell us about yourself. About you guys, come on, this is our first time meeting."

I shifted uncomfortably under their gazes. "We've been together for a couple of months, right babe?" Oli said with a heart warming smile, his hand radiating warmth as it was placed on my thigh. I nodded, giving him a small, shy smile. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to me." Oli said, giving me a smile that was full of thanks, something Oli rarely ever showed me.

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