Chapter 7

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"Hey, I'm outside." I cracked my eyes opened as I held the phone against my ear. Oli was calling and I didn't even realize that I'd be late for school if I didn't get up. Yesterday, Vic and I mostly laid here after we woke up, then we talked some more and fell asleep a little around one in the morning. "Shit," I whispered as I sat up. "I'll be out in a little." He mumbled back an okay before hanging up. I really didn't want to get up, I just wanted to lay with Vic all day. I tightened my arm slightly around his side.

"Good morning to you, too." He whispered, yawning before turning on his side to face me. He smiled lazily, his eyes lidded. I shut my eyes again and nuzzled myself closer to Vic, relishing in his warmth. Our moment of peace and quiet didn't last too long though because then there came about four consistent honks from the driveway. I groaned in annoyance and forced myself away from Vic.

"Why does he have to be such an asshole?" Vic asked, sighing and leaning back against the headboard, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I shrugged my shoulders. "I dunno. Vic, have you seen my gray band?" I asked him, changing right in front of him. At this point I didn't care. His eyes widened slightly, trailing down my petite frame before rushing back up to my face, a dazed expression on his face. His cheeks burned as he watched me pull on some sweatpants, then a t-shirt. I couldn't help my own cheeks from burning red. The band was next to Vic and in no time he passed it to me.

"Have a nice day at school..." He trailed off as I grabbed my book bag from the floor. He still seemed in a daze and I didn't really have time to question it because Oli had started honking the horn again. "Bye, Vic! Don't burn my house down while I'm gone!" I shouted, rushing out the front.

Oli sat in the drivers seat looking impatient, his finger tapping perpetually against the wheel. I closed the door as soon as I got in. Then he started driving to the school. His dark hazel gaze flicked to me for a brief moment before falling to the bracelet I had on my wrist.

He let out a sigh, annoyance etching itself onto his face. "Kellin, what the fuck is this, huh?" He asked, yanking harshly on the
band. I retracted my hand from his grip, cradling my arm near me. "What're you talking about?" I asked him. We made it to the school with a few minutes to spare as he parked in the school's lot.

"This-, these fucking bands and necklaces. When are you just going to act like yourself? Gender fluid is not a thing, Kellin! Get that through your thick skull! I mean, yeah, it's okay when you wear skirts and stuff because that makes it easier for me to-" I stopped him with my hand.

"I-I don't need to hear this, Oli." I practically pleaded to him. He rolled his eyes in response, moving over to yank the band off my wrist.

"No, no more of this shit. You're going to start acting like your fucking self and stop hiding behind these dumb bands and necklaces." I stared at him in shock as he slammed the gray band down against the console, giving me a look of finality.

I let out a sigh, focusing on my hands. I had to bite harshly on my lip to stop from sobbing. And here I thought Oli didn't mind. I mean, I knew he didn't use my correct pronouns most of the time, but I didn't know he felt this strongly about it. In anger, I turned to speak to him when I had just full blown out exploded.

"What the hell is your problem, Oli? What, are you fucking embarrassed by me or something? You can't stand the fact that the person you're fucking dresses like a girl sometimes, that I feel more feminine some days and not the others?! Huh?! Answer me, dammit!" My breathing was hard by the time I had finished but I had barely said anything; tears rolling slowly down the surface of my skin. Those were all the words I needed to use to get my point across and it seemed Oli did because he hadn't said a word yet, only his mouth was slightly ajar in shock.

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