Chapter 13

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Kind of a short update I'm sorry. But this is also important. And I'm sorry updated might be slow bc I'm at campus doing some things. Love you guys!


Vic's P.O.V

"Never," Another hit to my stomach, "ever," a blow to my jaw, "fucking talk to me like that again." I grunted once more and crawled to my hands and knees. Spitting out blood onto the floor, I groaned in pain, trying hard to keep quiet because I knew that any noises out of me would cause another hit.

I tried standing back up on shaky legs but that only resulted in him slinging me back forcefully against the wall. My mom screamed, trying to break free from Mike's hold.

"Victor, stop! You're hurting him, please!" She begged as she fell to her knees, watching as my dad stomped towards me and continuously beat me. Mike dropped with her and instead turned her to wrap his arms around her in a tight embrace. "Shh, mom, I'm sorry." He whispered to her.

"Turn her around-... don't let her watch." I sputtered past bloody lips, coughing blood onto the hardwood floors. My chest ached with a fire that crawled up my throat.

"No, keep her watching, Mikey, he deserves this. Let him be a man and stop being the faggot he is." He seethed, grabbing my collar and shoving me up against the wall as his elbow swiped forward and hit me across the jaw. Pain swirled around my body but it made me even angrier.

"Fuck you!" I screamed, spitting the metal from my mouth at his face. He cringed away and that gave me time to bring my knee up and hit him hard. He doubled over in pain and coughed once. I pulled my fist back and hit him straight against the back of his head.

"Don't put your fucking hands on her again, or I swear to god, I'll kill you!" I threatened. I was about to hit him again when the soft voice of my mom caught me off guard.

"Vic, sweetheart, no more, please." She cried as she tore free from Mike's grasp, peering at me from her huddled position on the floor with him. I huffed but kicked him once more in the stomach, leaving him a groaning mess on the floor as he blacked out. And all of this because I smashed his stupid bottle on the wall. I looked back up at the amber like stain on the chipped paint. He had pushed me up against it and now I smelt like liquor. Mike let mom go and she stumbled towards me.

"Baby, are you ok?" She asked, hugging me gently as I hissed in pain. I nodded my head at her and wiped the stray tears from her cheeks. "I'm fine now, mom. Promise."

Her gaze drifted towards the bum sprawled out on the floor. "We should clean you up. Mike do you think-"

"Yeah, yeah I got him this time." He walked over to the two of us and gave me a knowing look as he nodded his head at me, I nodded my head back as mom led me up the small stairs in the house.

"Sweetheart, you shouldn't have interfered. I was perfectly fine on my own." She said quietly as I sat down on the edge of the tub. I rolled my eyes at her. "Mom, please. He busted your lip." I told her exasperated, letting out a breath of air.

"Only because I didn't buy more beer like he asked." She whispered, turning around with a washcloth. I noticed her discreetly wipe at her eyes and it broke my heart to see her like this. She shouldn't have to put up with my dad. Who knows why she even puts up with him.

"Why can't you just leave him?" I asked, frustrated.

"I can't. It's not that simple, honey." She lightly cleaned the blood from my skin. I hissed when she used the disinfectant. "This only hurts now." I hummed in agreement. "I just can't. He's got me under his control. I feel if I leave, he'll find me and kill me. You can't help, Vic. I can't help. It's a dead end." She exclaimed to me as she finished.

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