Chapter 1

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Toujou sat at his apartment relaxing after getting off work from his construction job. "Hey Toujou could you come help me tonight?" Aizawa asks. "What you need help with?" Toujou asks confused. "I'm working as a bouncer at my old mans club. I need some help since it's the weekend. So you wanna make some extra cash and get to see half naked girls all night?" Aizawa asks. Toujou blushes slightly but nods his head yes as he follows his friend out of the apartment.

They soon arrive at the club. They see a man come flying out the front door. "Stay out you disgusting pig!" A woman yells from the front. "Maria already throwing guys out?" Aizawa asks with a chuckle. "Your late! Who's the fresh meat?" Maria asks with a smirk. "He's a new bouncer one of my buddies." Aizawa answers. "Well you better get in there they are extremely handsy tonight. Little Bit is running the bar by herself so you better have her smokes." Maria informs as she walks back inside. Aizawa hands Toujou a pack of cigarettes as they walk through the club doors. "See that little spot of black hair behind the bar? Give these to her and make sure the men keep their hands off her. That is your only job tonight." Aizawa informs Toujou. Toujou nods in understanding as he heads for the bar.

Toujou walks behind the bar as he sees a very short black headed girl mixing drinks. Toujou blinks hard as he realizes he's flying backwards back outside of the bar. "Patrons stay out from behind the bar!" Little Bit demands as she starts passing out drinks. "Little Bit wins pay up!" Maria yells from the stage. Aizawa hands Maria a couple of twenties as he heads toward the bar.

Aizawa walks over bending down next to Toujou. "See you've met Little Bit." Aizawa laughs. "Think I'm gonna like this girl." Toujou replies with a laugh. "Now Little Bit why are you kicking the new bouncer and the man with your cigarettes?" Aizawa asks helping Toujou up off his butt. "Strange guy comes behind my bar not saying a word. What did you expect me to do?" Little Bit answers as she pours more beers. "Word from the wise if she needs something don't hand it to her. Makes her feel short so just lift her up so she can reach it. Oh don't look up her skirt or your gonna get kicked in the face." Aizawa warns. "You coulda told me this all earlier before the first kick." Toujou announces annoyed. "Well good luck!" Aizawa states as he walks off to break up a fight.

Toujou comes behind the bar once more holding out the cigarettes to Little Bit. "Thank you, you are my hero right now!" Little bit says taking out a cig. "Those things aren't good for you." Toujou says as Little Bit lights her cig. "They keep me from killing people sweetheart." Little bit says with a wink. Toujou leans against the wall in the corner watching the patrons as Little Bit serves the drinks.

The night carries on at a fast pace. Little Bit moves from behind the bar with her hands full of beer mugs. A man reaches out slaps Little Bit on the butt hard. Toujou moves over about to remove the man. Little Bit quickly turns around kicking the man in the face knocking him to the ground. "What are the rules of this club?!" Little Bit calls out to the patrons. "Look don't touch unless you've paid for it! Little Bit is off limits!" All the patrons answer as they laugh at the unconscious man. Toujou laugh as he picks up the unconscious man putting him outside.

"Little Bit take your break. I'll handle the bar for a bit." A blonde woman states stepping behind the bar with a big guy following behind her. "Come on newby we get a break for a minute." Little Bit states to Toujou before leading him to one of the back tables at the bar. "So what is your name since you already know my nickname?" Little Bit asks looking at Toujou. "I'm Toujou and what is your real name by the way?" He asks. "Real name is Siren but everyone calls me Little Bit." She answers. "Does every girl here have their own bouncer that stays with them?" Toujou asks. "Yes we all have a personal bouncer here. I fired my most recent one because he was way to clingy and more handsy than the patrons." Little Bit informs with a small giggle. Toujou let out a hardy laugh at her statement.

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