Chapter 6

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Toujou was woke in the middle of the night by Tank whining. Toujou groggily slips on jeans and a shirt. "Glad you woke me up. I don't wanna wake up to pee in the floor." Toujou states walking down the hall with Tank at his heals. Aizawa sits on the couch watching tv. "Why are you up?" Toujou asks Aizawa."Maria took over the bed. What are you doing?" Aizawa retorts. "Tanks gotta pee." Toujou answers. "I think I will join you two. Maybe a quick walk will help me build up the courage to take my half of the bed back." Aizawa chuckles.

Toujou, Aizawa and Tank head out into the parking lot. Tank gives Toujou a really look before walking off heading toward an alley. Toujou and Aizawa quickly follow behind Tank. They follow the small puppy until he makes his way to a small dog park. They let Tank do his business as the sit around. The group heads back through the alley. Toujou stops as he sees the trash bags in the alley moving. A dazed Baby Beelz soon appeared from the trash bags. Aizawa starts ranting about a garbage baby as Toujou coos to baby Beelz. Dazed Beel crawls out to Toujou. "I'm keeping him." Toujou states with a joyful smile.

The group heads back to the apartment. Toujou quickly gives Beelz a bath with Aizawa's help. Afterwards the men part their ways heading to their rooms. Toujou slips back into his pajamas as he lays Beelz on the bed. Little Bit unconsciously wraps her arms around Beelz pulling him to her chest. Toujou lays as he hears a loud thud followed by cursing down the hall from Aizawa. Toujou lifts Tank onto the bed before crawling in himself.

Toujou awoke the next morning alone in his bed. He looks around for a moment before smelling bacon. He slowly gets out of bed slipping on a pair of jeans. "Aizawa I thought you couldn't cook?" Toujou calls out heading down the hall. "He can't but we girls can. Well as a thank you for taking care of us last night." Maria answers with a giggle.

Toujou rounds the corner seeing Little Bit still with his clothes half hanging off of her. Beelz sat atop her head as Tank sat at her feet. "Here's your coffee." Little Bit states passing a cup to Toujou. "What no good morning?" Toujou asks with a chuckle. "I'm  to hung over for your sass young man." Little Bit states as she starts to fix plates for everyone. "Aww so cruel." Toujou laughs sitting down with Aizawa at the table. "You know you girls are pretty hilarious when your drunk." Toujou admits sitting at the table.

Little Bit and Maria laugh as they set the guy plates in front of them. "Sad part is we remember nothing after catch the psycho." Little Bit informs sipping some orange juice. "Hurry up Little Bit, Daddy wants us back at the club to show him how we did your hat trick. Apparently someone videoed it last night and it's blowing up on the internet." Maria states. "Dad talked to you?" Aizawa asks. "He actually called you first thing this morning but I answered. He was gonna ask you about it but since I answered he wants us girls to meet him there in about an hour." Maria explains.

"Wait you two have the same dad?" Toujou asks about choking on his eggs. "No all of us girls call the boss man Daddy." Maria answers laughing. "Why is that?" Aizawa quickly adds. "Hell he's the closest thing to a dad as most of us girls have had." Little Bit informs. The guys shrug accepting the odd answer for the moment. "Here you three have fun today. Tank is coming with us to the club." Little Bit states setting Beelz in Toujou's lap. "We will see you guys later." Maria says with a wave as the girls head to Little Bits apartment to get ready for the day.

Toujou and Aizawa hang around the apartment with Beelz till about midday.  Aizawa's phone lights up with a text. "Hoo hoo looks like you might have some fun today. That Oga kid is hanging out by the river." Aizawa smiles looking to Toujou. Toujou gives him a side smile as he cracks his knuckles.

Little Bit and Maria arrive at the bar as a black car pulls up. "Good morning Daddy." Both girls chorus as a middle aged man steps out of the car. "Good morning dear daughters of mine." Daddy answers with a smile. "Now I have racked my brain all night. I can not for the life of me, figure out how you girls pulled off that hat trick?" Daddy asks as the three walk inside. "Let's just say it's easier to show you." Little Bit says sheepishly.

Little Bit and Maria take the stage as Daddy sits at one of the tables in front of them. "Let's just say you won't believe your eyes the first time." Maria laughs. "I will be the judge of that." Daddy says with a laugh. Little Bit goes to walk behind Maria but disappears before appearing on the other side of her. Daddy rubs his eyes as his jaw drops. "Told you so." Little Bit giggles as she walks across the bar catching Daddy's attention. "How?" Is all Daddy could ask. "It's a gift I was born with." Little Bit laughs.

Toujou, Aizawa and Beel head back to the apartment. Little Bit makes it to her apartment with Tank on her heels. She jumps in the shower. A knock sounds from the door of her apartment. Little Bit wrap a towel around herself before going to the door. She looks through the peep whole before letting out an aggravated sigh.

"What do you want big brother?" She asks swinging the door open. "Can we crash here tonight. I lost a fight today and I'm not to happy." Oga states as he charges in with Furuichi following behind him. "It's rude to drop by without warning you know." Little Bit states facepalming. "What are you doing answering the door in a towel?! Get dressed then I will argue with you." Oga proclaims covering his and Furuichi's eyes.

She returns after slipping on a giant T-shirt that looks almost like a dress and some sleepy pants. She immediately starts to cook some dinner for the three of them. "So who handed you your ass finally?" She asks with a chuckle. "An upperclassmen named Toujou." Furuichi answers as Oga shoots him a glare. Little Bit goes rigid for a second before continuing her cooking. "Don't worry I'm going to beat him next time we meet." Oga proclaims.

Toujou sat at his apartment with Beel. "Hey Aizawa you think he's ok?" He asks looking at Beel. "I don't know. Go ask Little Bit she may know. I mean I haven't seen him eat all day or anything." Aizawa answers. "I think I will go see what she thinks." Toujou states starting out the door with Beel.

Little Bit sets plate of spaghetti at the table with garlic bread. Oga and Furuichi happily come to table thanking for the meal before quickly digging in. A knock comes from the door making Little Bits eyes go wide. "Coming!" She calls out quickly going to the door.

Little Bit cracks the door seeing Toujou. She quickly slides out into the hallway with him. "What's up?" Little Bit asks looking up at Toujou. "Hey I can't get the little guy to eat anything. Would you care to help me out?" Toujou asks. "Of course I'll help honey. Give me a minute and I'll walk with you to your apartment." Little Bit states heading back into her apartment.

"Have you had dinner?" Little Bit quickly asks poking her head back out of the apartment. "No not yet." Toujou states a little confused. "Ok I will be right out." She states disappearing into the apartment once more. Toujou soon hears her talking to someone before hearing a male voice. A ping of hurt and anger goes through his chest. "I mean I can't really be mad. I'm not her boyfriend or anything. I'm just her body guard. Right?" Toujou asks looking to Beel.

Inside the apartment, Little Bit quickly makes two containers of spaghetti and garlic bread. "Where are you going and who was that?" Oga asks looking at his twin. "If it was some of your business I would of told you. Anyway I'm going to a friends for the night. Wreck my apartment and I will skin you both alive." Little Bit says with a wicked smile. ""Yes ma'am." Furuichi quickly answers as both boys go pale. "Bye guys see you later." Little Bit waves before leaving.

She appears back outside to find Toujou with an odd look on his face. "Hey is everything ok Toujou?" She asks looking at him longingly. "Nothing everything's fine. Did I interrupt something?" Toujou asks pointing to her apartment. Little Bit looks at him confused for a moment before it dawns on her. "Oh my gosh no. My brother and his friend are just crashing for the night. Trust my I would much rather spend time with you two." Little Bit states with a laugh. Toujou chuckle at her before realizing something. "Is that my shirt?" He quickly asks. "I stole it fair and square." Little bit states wrapping her arms around herself.

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