Chapter 10

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Little Bit, Tank and Toujou where going to the mountain for the weekend. They were going for training since Toujou had lost to Oga.

Toujou goes to take shower before he heads over to Little Bits. A blood curdling scream pierces the air as Toujou rinses the shampoo from his hair. Every hair on his body stands up as the scream ends. He wraps a towel around himself before taking off through the the apartment door. "Where are you going?" Aizawa asks chasing after him. "That was Little Bit I know it." Toujou explains.

They make it to her apartment and try the door but it's locked. Another scream pierces their ears coming from the apartment. Toujou bust down the door in one quick motion. Little Bit stands in a chair with Tank in her arms. She stares at the guys as they stare back quickly realizing she's only in a thong she tries to cover herself.

"Damn I could get used to this view." Toujou states looking her over. The door under their meet starts to lift slightly. Toujou immediately runs for the chair lifting Little Bit onto his shoulder. Aizawa quickly follows behind jumping into the the chair grabbing Toujou's midsection to steady himself. A giant black creature the size of a basketball crawls out from under the door.

"What the fuck is that?!" Toujou exclaims pointing at the creature. "That's the reason I screamed. It almost ate Tank!" Little Bit exclaims terrified. "Holy fuckin shit it moved!" Aizawa exclaims. Toujou and Little bit both jump at this exclamation. The chair they are on starts to rock sending Aizawa leaning backwards to steady them. As the three of them lean back to the center quickly trying to steady themselves. Aizawa collides with Toujou's chest sliding down making Toujou's towel fall. Aizawa face lands just above Toujou's gentlemen parts.

"There's nothing little about that." Little Bit states staring at his parts. Both guy burst bright red. "You stop staring at my junk! And you get out of my junk!" Toujou exclaims facepalming. Aizawa quickly moves away from his junk. "Ok Little Bit is there anything in here you absolutely have to have?" Toujou asks staring at the creature.

The creature opens it's mouth revealing rows of shark like teeth. "Holy shit that thing isn't fucking normal!" Aizawa exclaims horrified. "My duffle bag on the counter. It has everything I would need it's on the bar. Why?" Little Bit asks. "We are about to get the hell out of here. You hold tight to Tank understand?" Toujou asks. "Wait you might want to rewrap your towel first." Little Bit states with a giggle. Toujou rolls his eyes slowly grabbing his towel. Little Bit reaches over grabbing her bag off the counter sliding it on her back still holding Tank tightly.

"Ok on the count of three we are all sprinting out of here." Toujou states. "Wait I have short legs! If I run with y'all I'm going get eatin as you take off." Little Bit explains. "You two are staying on my shoulder. I won't let that thing eat you." Toujou states. Toujou quickly counts to three as they sprint from the apartment. Toujou loses his towel halfway to his apartment. Toujou plops Little Bit and Tank on the couch before sprinting back to the bathroom. "I'm getting the first shower!" Toujou calls out.

"The hell you are! I just had a horrific experience I get shower first!" Little Bit cries out slinging the bathroom door open. She charges into the bathroom with a determined look. Toujou tosses Little Bit back out of the bathroom. "I am the man in this relationship. I am asserting my dominance as the man! I am getting the shower first!" Toujou demands walking back into the bathroom. Little Bit cocks her head to the side before pressing her lips into a thin line. She stand from the floor quickly making her way back into the bathroom. Toujou comes flying out of the bathroom completely surprised. "I am the woman in this relationship and I'm the bitch. I will tell you when you can assert your dominance as a man! I will get the first shower and you can kiss my ass!" Little Bit exclaims with hands on her hips. She then turns going back into the bathroom beginning her shower. Toujou looks to Aizawa in the living room with a pouting look. "I will get you a beer for your pride." Aizawa chuckles as he heads to the kitchen.

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