Chapter 14

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Little Bit smiled brightly as she tackled her father in a hug. "Dad I've missed you so much!" Little Bit giggles happily. "Siren you've grown alil since the last time I saw you." Saotome states with a smile. "I expected you to handle things as you have." Saotome states patting her head. "I've done my best not to interfere in their growth together. Though I have had to contain a few situations." She informs him. "You need to get stronger Siren. The way you are now they will surpass you soon." He states bluntly as he puts out his cigarette. Her face falls as she looks at the ground. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Dad. I have to get to work." She informs walking away as her bottom lip trembles as she fights tears.

The next day Little Bit walks through the halls heading to class. As she walks through a enclosed bridge between buildings something catches her eye. She stops dead in her tracks as she sees Toujou alone on a balcony with Miss Secretary. As Toujou walks off ruffling Miss Secretary's hair as she smiles brightly. Little Bit can't hold her anger. Black and white spikes shoot out from all over her as glass shatters around her. She then steadily walks to her class seeing Toujou and Oga both out cold in their seats. "Dad I'm going for training here's your books. I'm going to speak to the Dean see you another time." Little Bit states flatly waving as she heads for the door. "Ok honey have fun." Saotome states with a side smile. Little Bit arrives at the Deans office moments later. "Gramps give me the graduates exam please." She asks sweetly. "I thought you would be coming for it before long. I do wish you and your father would have a better relationship at times." He states sadly. "It's fine. I will become stronger as he wishes." Little Bit states taking a seat filling out the exam quickly. She finishes the exam handing it back to him. "Mail the results or diploma to my address. I have other things to attend to." Little Bit states leaving. "That poor girl bearer of twin dragons along with an asshole father. I fear she may be heading down a dark path." The Dean states shaking his head.

Little Bit packs a bags for her and Tank. She leaves for the club dropping her bike off at Big Tony's shop. She walks through the club doors with Tank on her heels. "Maria!" She calls out. Maria pops out from back stage looking at Little Bit with concern. "What's going on?" Maria asks. Little Bit tells her everything about Toujou barely speaking to her then seeing him with Miss Secretary. She continues telling of what her father telling her to get stronger. "Maria take care of Tank for me. I need to be alone for alil while okay?" She asks. "Do what you need to honey. I will take care of Tank. Promise me though you'll take care of yourself." Maria states. Little Bit nods before handing Tanks leash and bag to Maria before vanishing with her bag right in front of them. Maria sits down on the stage starting to cry as Tank whines looking at her confused.

As a couple days pass as Little Bit meets up with Oga. "Big brother I want you to know I'm gonna be leaving for a bit. Please just check in on my apartment every now and then." She states handing him a key to her apartment. "Fight me Siren." Oga states with a dead serious look. "Do what?" She asks confused. "I'm going to be fighting demons like you soon. So fight me and show me how far I have to go to surpass you!" Oga declares. Siren clutches her chest as her hair falls over her face. "Demons like me huh. To think just yesterday I was still your little sister, your twin. Fine though you want a taste of a demon, try looking in the mirror." Siren states as she drops her key vanishing into thin air. "Where the hell did she go?" Oga demands. "That must have really hurt." Hilda states flatly. "I didn't hit her." Oga states with a grunt. "No but you did just call her a demon like me. Though she is nothing like me." Hilda states walking away. Oga sits on the ground ruffling his hair. Beel sits next to him looking at the ground. "Damn it, I didn't mean it like that." Oga states standing. "Guess I better find her and apologize." He states picking up Beel and her key.

Toujou sat at the construction sight with Shizuoka waiting for Mr.President. Little Bit waited in the darkness above them watching everything as they talked and fought. As the demons arrive on scene Little Bit slowly rises standing and watching. As the demons take off after her father she looks at Toujou. She jumps down landing not far from Toujou. Little Bit looks to him with tear stained cheeks and blood shot eyes. "Goodbye Toujou." She states as she vanishes as her locket hits the ground. "Wait Siren!" Toujou calls out as he hits his knees he picks up the locket holding it carefully. "Who was that Toru?" Shizuoka asks confused. "Damn it! That was my girlfriend and I think she just left me." Toujou states as he bangs his fist on the ground.

Toujou staggered down the hall of the apartment complex before banging on Sirens apartment door. "Open up please Siren! Just let me explain!" Toujou demands. He bangs on the door more before Oga arrives. "What the hell are you doing here?" Oga questions. "I'm trying to get Siren to answer the door but she won't." Toujou grunts out. Oga opens the door with the key as they both enter. Everything was covered in sheets as they searched the whole apartment. "All of her clothes and stuffs gone." Toujou states pounding his fist on the counter. "Guess she wasn't kidding about leaving." Oga states. "What do you mean leaving?!" Toujou demands grabbing Oga by the collar of his shirt. Oga relays what happened earlier in his encounter with Siren as Toujou does the same. "Damn Toujou your an asshole. Not talking to her or seeing her then being in a fight as another girls wearing your jacket and shit. I mean I'm not the brightest when it comes to that shit but you messed up bad. Hell we will both be doing good to see her again." Oga states hanging his head. "At least I didn't call her a demon like you, heartless." Toujou retorts. "We better go." Oga states as they both head out the door.

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