Chapter 2

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"Siren! Siren wake up you got school!" Oga calls out banging on the door. "Why won't she give you a key?" Furiuchi asks. "She doesn't like people like me in her apartment." Oga informs pounding on the door again. "I'm up damn!" Little Bit states coming out of her apartment. "Little Bit do I need to buy you an alarm clock?" Oga asks looking at his twin. "You work just fine big brother." Little Bit states.

The group of four soon arrive at school. Oga telling the story of how he got stuck with baby Beelz along the way. Little Bit laughs as her brother gets into a fight with the baby still firmly attached to him. They carry on the day as her brother beats people left and right. A guy suddenly tries to slide by to look up her skirt. Little Bit kicks him in the jaw sending him head first into a wall making Baby Beelz laugh.

Baby Beelz starts to cry shocking all three of them. "What the hell!?" Little Bit asks as she looks to her brother. "The hell if I know he just started crying after his stomach growled!" Oga growls. "He's a baby he needs milk Oga!" Little Bit declares. "Right milk!" Oga states as they head to the vending machines. Little bit rolls her eyes as she leaves the two boys. "I'm heading out later big brother!" Little Bit calls out as she hears her brother shocked again. Little Bit heads to an upper level classroom looking for a place to read. She finds an empty room soon settling into a chair with her book.

Toujou walks through the upper level of the school heading to his classroom. He's surprised as he sees someone asleep. He walks over ready to throw whoever it is out on there ass as the other third years follow him in. He walks around the desk as he finally sees the persons face he's shocked.

"Hey Little Bit what are you doing here?" Toujou asks as he gently shakes her. "You know this freshmen?" One of the guys asks. "Yea I'm her bouncer down town. She works at one of the clubs Aizawa's dad owns." Toujou answers. One of the guys moves Little Bit's skirt trying to get a peak but is met with a foot to the face sending him head first into a wall. "Damn can't even get a nap for perverts anymore." Little bit mumbles turning her head and falling back asleep.

Toujou looks at her shocked as she falls back asleep after sending a guy into the wall. The other third years back away from her a few steps after seeing the other guy. Toujou looks at her hand seeing her book. He slowly slides the book out of her hand looking at it oddly. "Hey any of you guys ever seen this book before?" Toujou asks holding the book toward the guys. The guys all look at the book questionable before shaking their heads no.

Toujou and the guys look through the book before trying to figure out the weird words. "Hey Little Bit wake up what's this word mean?" Toujou asks waking her up. Little bit rubs her eyes before looking at the word. "Rapping it means knocking in this sentence." Little Bit states still half asleep. "I can't really understand this book." One of the guys announces as others nod in agreement.

Little Bit finally wakes up realizing Toujou has her book. "You guys want me to read you one you will understand?" Little Bit asks with a chuckle. "Yea cause we are all lost in this Edgar Allen Poe book." Toujou admits. Little Bit flips through the worn out pages of her book. "This story is called The Cask of the Amontillado." Little Bit states as she begins to read. She reads through the story giving current references and explains everything so the guys understand.

"That is messed up on another level man." One of the guys exclaims at the end. "You know if teachers read stuff the way you do we could understand better." Another states as the others nod in agreement. "Well I actually want to become a teacher one day." Little Bit admits. "You could do it. I mean you just got a bunch of us thugs to understand that book better." One guy states. "Well how bout tomorrow I teach you guy something else. I can teach you stuff to help with construction jobs maybe even teach you to cook something one day." Little Bit laughs. "You would do that for us?" Toujou asks confused. "Sure as long no more of you try to look up my skirt." She states flatly.

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