Chapter 12

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Little Bit was lead down the hallway by Miki as she has been called to the Deans office while the others are dealing with the pending suspension. "Miki why did they send you after me?" She asks looking around the hall. "Since we have history together, they thought I would be the safest." Miki answers with a chuckle. "You know me better than that. I only fight when given good reason." Little Bit states innocently. Miki stops gives her a seriously look before both bust into laughter. "Ok fine I like to have a little fun." She states with a chuckle.

"You know I never believed you and Oga where twins. That was until the day I saw you get into a fight with a group of men twice your size then I saw the family resemblance." Miki states with a sad smile. "You know Miki we all do things for our own reasons. Some just in different ways than others." She states with a thoughtful look. "Is that why your always keeping an eye on your brother? Even when he doesn't even know." Miki states. "We all have our reasons darling." Little Bit states as Miki knocks on the Deans door.

"Enter Miss Siren, Miki you may return to class." The Dean states. "Hello Mr. Dean or can I call you Gramps like always?" She asks with a chuckle. The man behind the desk quickly stands hugging her tightly. "Siren why must you give me such a hard time?" He asks pulling away from the hug. "He bared his fangs first. I just gave him a warning I didn't go all out or anything." She states with a pout. "Darling he is no where near your strength and he's to curious for his own good. I do not wish to have anything happen to my students including you." Gramps states. "I know, I know. I need to keep them hidden unless necessary." Siren grumbles. "I only do this to protect you." Gramps states with pleading eyes. "I know gramps. I'm sorry for making you worry. I will control myself while at the school." She states with a sigh.

Gramps hugs Siren once more before sending her back to class. She is quickly informed of the volleyball game and what is at stake. "Well I hate to break it to you guys but I've got work tonight. I will do something for the volleyball game though don't worry." She states with a chuckle heading out the door.

Toujou swoops Little Bit up in his arms hugging her tightly as she arrives at the club. "Where have you been?" He asks with a smile. "The Dean is an old friend of my fathers. He wanted to have a chat since I was up for expulsion." Little Bit laughs then kissing Toujou. Toujou sits her on the bar before laying his head on her lap. "You better be ready to work tonight Little Bit!" Maria calls out excitedly. Little Bit smiles brightly at Maria "You better be ready to keep up you old fart." She laughs. Maria shakes her head before heading to the back to get ready for the night.

Little Bit and Toujou worked the bar quickly passing out drinks. Maria takes the stage as a song comes on. Little Bit jumps up on the bar smiling(play video). "Bring it Bitch!" Little Bit cries out pointing at Maria on stage. They start matching each other move for move as the place roars with cheers. Toujou makes a shush sign before claiming up on the other end of the bar. Toujou stands next to Little Bit matching the girls move for move as money starts to fly into the air. Little Bit gets a bright smile looking at her boyfriend. Toujou smiles back as the song ends swooping up Little Bit as they both laugh.

Toujou and Little Bit take their break and sit outside in the cool air. "So tomorrow don't plan anything after school." Toujou states leaning against the wall. "I have work." She states. "Already talked to Maria, she's gonna cover you till we get back." Toujou answers. "We get back?" Little Bit asks confused. "I got a surprise for you tomorrow." Toujou states with a smile. "Look at you go and be mister romantic." Little Bit states with a smile. "Don't think I'm going soft or anything!" Toujou demands firmly. "Would never think that my darling." She giggles kissing him. "We better get back inside though." Toujou laughs carrying her back inside over his shoulder.

That night the men are swept away by Hilda. They all look around at each other then realize Toujou and Little Bit are asleep together! Toujou has no shirt on and his bottom half is completely covered. Little bit is asleep on his chest covers up to her neck. "Tell me they aren't?" Furuichi asks. "I don't want to know."Kanzaki demands. Everyone's attention is quickly caught by the video. As the guys yell out getting riled up from the video. They all freeze as they hear covers shuffle at the other end of the room. Little Bit sits up half asleep rubbing her eye with her hand. "Cute!" The men chime. "Toujou why are the guys in your room?" She asks half asleep. "We was watching a volleyball video. They are leaving now though so just go back to sleep." Toujou pleads. Little Bit balls up in the blanket falling back asleep quickly. All the guys let out a sigh of relief as they heard light snoring.

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