Chapter 7

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Little Bit sat in her apartment with her hair in curlers. She had just returned from a shopping trip with Maria. She excitedly laid out her new outfit on her bed since it was about to be dark(picture). Her phone lit up with Aizawa calling her. "Hey Aizawa what's up?.... Your kidding me they are fighting tonight?.... I will be down there in a little bit. I have to get ready for work first.... I will see you then bye." Little Bit let out a frustrated sigh as she hangs up the phone.

Little Bit stands at the front of the school as she sees the Red Tails and other students fighting. She lights a cigarette as she starts to walk through the crowd. A huge guy she had seen Oga beat earlier in the year steps in front of her. "Like we are going to let Oga's twin just walk by." The Killer Machine Abe states. The Sanada Brothers come behind Abe agreeing "You would probably do since we couldn't get Oga himself.".

Little Bit puts her earbuds from her phone into her ears(play song). "I will ask you boys only once. Please move?" She asks taking a drag of her cigerette. "As if bitch!" They chime as they charge toward her. "Wrong answer boys." She states putting out her cig with the toe of her shoe. She plants her feet quickly pulling one fist back. Abe takes the brunt of her hit in the chest. The brothers are hit by Abe as he flies back clearing a path to the back of the school. "Thanks for clearing a path boys." Little Bit laughs as she passes a pile of unconscious boys.

She quickly makes it to the back of the school taking a seat on the steps of the building a little in the distance. Arriving just as the fights about to start. "This is going to be a man-on-man fight. So no one is allowed to interfere. Got it?" Oga states to Beel. "Hear that Little Bit? That goes for you as well." Toujou calls out into the darkness. "Yes understood Toujou." Little Bit says with a smile sauntering over sitting behind Beel. Oga pays no mind to the comment as he readies for the fight.

They all watch as the match carries on between the two guys. Little Bits eyes go wide as she sees the firework heading toward the guys. "Beel." She states pointing to the incoming firework. She smiles as she sees the Fly King Seal burning behind Oga. "Good job Beel." She smiles ruffling his hair. Oga rants at Beel for a moment before the promise not to go anywhere. "Little Bit no more interference." Toujou demands. "It was outside interference we had all right to help." Little Bit retorts standing. "I don't care. You stay out of this." Toujou demands. "Fine." Little Bit states as she lights a cigerette.

Little Bit chuckles as she sees Beel tackle Oga. She sees Ogas arm start to deform with Beel being so excited. Oga punches the building as told to fire off the energy. "YOU IDIOT!" Little Bit screams as she slams her hands around Ogas arm. "Contain!" She cries out as a white and black light comes from her arms surround Oga and Beelz energy. As the energy destroys the buildings Little Bit sighs.

She sets Beel on the ground before violently kicking Oga in the face. "You idiot! Use your head next time. It's that thing three foot above your ass. The thing Baby Beel pisses on!" Little Bit scorns as she stomps Oga's head. "I'm sorry!" Oga cries out from under her heal. Baby Beel laughs as he hears the cries of pain.

Hilda walks over picking up Beel. "I do not think it's appropriate to have the Young Master exposed to such slutty attire." Hilda states looking Little Bit over. "Don't be jealous just because mine are bigger." Little But states bumping breast with Hilda. "DAH!(fight)" Beel yells. "Well at least our man can win a fight." Hilda retorts. "For now he can. Though right now it looks like he just got his ass kicked by a girl." Little Bit states with a smile.

Little Bit walks over to Toujou whose still laying on the ground. She sits on Toujou's chest with her legs stretched out on each side of his head. "You got a boo boo here, here and here." Little Bit giggles as she pokes cuts and bruises. "What the hell do you think your doing Siren!?" Oga yells out jumping to his feet. "I'm poking boo boos." Little Bit answers with an innocent smile. "Get the hell off of him like that! I'm your older brother you have to listen to me!" Oga demands.

Toujou quickly looks between the two of them confused as Little Bit makes a fart noise toward Oga. "Big Brother?" Toujou asks looking to Little Bit. "He's only older by 1 minute." She states with a laugh. "Siren what the hell was that shit that came out your arms as well!?" Oga asks. Little Bit rolls her eye smoking her brother. "Come over for dinner tomorrow. I will tell you all then but for now we have to go to work." Little Bit says with a smile.

Little Bit pulls out her phone making a call for ambulances. "I just called the ambulances for the hurt. So you might want to leave big brother they will want to pin it on you." Little Bit states looking to Oga honestly. "You better cook my favorite tomorrow." Oga calls out as he walks off with everyone. Little Bit stands up holding a hand out helping Toujou up. "We gotta get everyone to the front of the school." Toujou states. "You big softy. Let's hurry up then. I don't want to be late for work." Little Bit states with a sigh.

They quickly move all the injured guys to the front of the schools as the ambulances and police arrive. "What happened here?" An officer asks Little Bit. "We were heading to work when we heard the explosion. I called the ambulances while he started to dig students out of the rubble." Little Bit answers as one of the EMTs patched up Toujou. "May I ask where you work in such attire young lady?" The cop asks sternly. "The Club downtown. I have all my work permits and everything there if you need to see them. Though we really have to be going or we will be late for our shift." Little Bit pleads. "You two are free to go though I want no more calls tonight." The officer states.

Little Bit grabs Toujou as she starts to head out of the school gates. Toujou looks questionable at Little Bit then holds a hand over her head then then to his chest. "Hey did you grow?" Toujou asks with a chuckle. Little Bit straight arm punches Toujou knocking him to the ground hard. "Dear Kami I love that girl." Toujou laughs as he pulls himself off the ground.

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