Chapter 15

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The weeks passed and the guys trained hard. Toujou worked hard at the construction of the new School. He had started to question his own sanity recently though. "Aizawa man I swear I keep seeing Siren in the school." Toujou confides holding his head. "I know you feel responsible for her disappearance along with Oga. You can't keep beating yourself up about it though." Aizawa states trying to reassure him. "It's not like that. I swear I have seen her walking the halls and teaching a class. She told me before she wanted to be a teacher. Could she become one so quick?" Toujou asks. "I'm not sure man. I mean if you think it's her try to talk to, apologize to her." Aizawa states letting out an exhausted sigh.

Toujou searched for days hopeing to see her again in the halls. Suddenly long black curly hair caught his eye as he frantically chased after it. Toujou suddenly caught up to her catching her wrist. "Siren what are you doing here?" Toujou asked confused. She looked at him with her piercing blue eyes as he could read confusion written all over her face. "I'm sorry you must have me confused with someone else Mr. Construction worker." She spoke in a chorus of three voices. Toujou looked at her bewildered. This was his Siren her tattoos displayed on her face, the same voices as before, and yet she didn't remember him. "Siren enough playing! I know I messed up. I neglected you and didn't tell you about everything. Though that's no reason to act as though you've never met me! Please just hear me out. I'm sorry for everything from the bottom of my heart. I never in a million years would hurt you. So please drop this act and come back with me. We can fix everything and it can be like old times just me, you and Tank." Toujou asks looking for any sign of emotion in her eyes. "I am sorry sir though I'm still not this Siren person you are looking for." Siren states pulling away from Toujou. "Is something the matter?" A thunderous voice sounds from down the hall. Toujous face drops as he watches her face light up with the same smile she used to have for him. "Master!" She cheers jumping into Jabberwocks arms . Toujou falls to his knees as he sees Siren carried away by another man.

Toujou slept in the construction part of the school. He awoke to Oga fighting demons. Toujou and Oga after their battles through the school arrive to the roof. After they arrive on the roof and Oga saves Hilda Toujou demands answers. "What the hell did you do to Siren!?" They demand. "I don't know any Siren?" Jabberwock answers confused. Salamander snickered from the ground. "They are talking about your Nightingale. So you two must be the bastard twin brother and the unloving boyfriend. I did that poor girl a favor erasing her memories. Though I must admit some of her memories even brought tears to my eyes. She knows nothing of either of you now and never will." Salamander laughed before being beat into the ground once more by Toujou. "She's mine now and there is nothing either of you can do for either of your women." Jabberwock laughed. Siren sat silently in the shadows watching as Toujou and Oga took on Jabberwock.

As the battle came to a close she jumped down through the hole Oga had created. Oga stared at his sister for a moment before she lifted Jabberwock onto her shoulder. "Master you only had to call my name and I would have assisted you." She spoke softly. "Nightingale it was a mans fight and I lost." Jabberwock admitted. "Siren?" Oga asked looking at his twin still not believing she couldn't remember him. "People keep calling me that name but I'm sorry I'm not her." She answers before walking away singing(play song). Ogas heart stopped for a moment as he heard her sing.

Oga sat at his house as Hilda slept. "Where is Siren now I wonder." Oga asks looking into space. Siren stood looking at Master Behemoth as they prepared to return to the demon world. "Why am I being left behind?" She begged as tears streamed down her face. "I'm sorry dear Nightingale your real name is Siren. You are from this world not ours. The pillar squad will remain behind you are welcome to stay with them. I need to return Jabberwock so he may recover. I suggest you look for that construction worker and the boy that beat Jabberwock they will help you. For now this is goodbye." Master Behemoth explained as he and Jabberwock returned to hell. Siren stood looking around lost as her head began to pound. "So I am Siren? Why where they so confused when they looked at me? Why did the construction worker apologize?" She asks herself as she started to wonder into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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