Chapter 3

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Little Bit and Toujou had been working together for a few months now. Both where extremely tired as everyone in the city had been awake from Baby Beelz crying all night. Little Bit headed for school ready to fix the problem.

"Come here Baby Beelz." Little Bit coos as she sees the exhausted demon lord. "You can't take him sis he will just cry more." Oga argues. Little Bit walks over grabbing Beelz and placing her headphones on his head. Beelz snuggles into her chest as he quickly falls asleep. "How?" Oga asks as he states at his twin shocked. "I wondered why he would be crying last night. He's just a little home sick. I made a mix of screaming, crying and horrifying animal cries last night. It seems he likes it." Little Bit answers.

Little Bit slides down a wall about to fall asleep herself. "Hey sis sing that song you used to sing for me. That one that always puts me to sleep." Oga asks as he sits next to his twin. "I don't sing in front of people you know that." She answers. "Come on everyone will be asleep in seconds." Oga whines. Little Bit rolls her eyes but soon starts to sing.

Toujou stumbles into the school half asleep. He hears singing and happily follows it. He stops as he sees Little Bit holding Beelz and Oga asleep on her shoulder. Little Bit waves him in as she continues to sing. Toujou walks in and wraps his arm around Little Bits waist as he lays his head in her lap. Little Bit smiles as she sings and runs her free hand through Toujou's hair. Toujou quickly relaxes falling asleep.

Little Bit gently shakes Toujou trying to wake him up. Toujou mumbles some profanities as he tightens his grip around her waist. Little bit begins to laugh as he nuzzles his face into her stomach.  Toujou wakes up slightly before realizing what he's doing. He quickly unwraps his arms from her jolting upright. "Sorry." Toujou states as he looks away. "It's alright. Come on we are going to pick up my bike. I finally have enough money to pay off the repairs." Little bit informs.

They arrive at a garage a little while later. A giant man comes out of the shop with a rough expression. "Got my money?" He asks looking at Little Bit. "Yes sir sorry it took me so long. I didn't think he had messed my bike up that bad. You took care of her right?" Little Bit asks biting her bottom lip. "You know I always do." The big man states ruffling Little Bit's hair. Little Bit puffs out her cheeks as she starts to tap her foot. "Bring her out boy!" The big man calls out.

A gorgeous black bike rolls out of the shop being pushed by another big man. Little Bits eyes sparkle as she looks at the bike before launching herself on it hugging the bike. Toujou starts to laugh at the girls reaction catching the eye of the first big guy. "Who are you? Little Bit is this your boy toy?" The man asks with a laugh. "Shoot I wish Big Tony. He's my new bouncer down at the club." Little Bit informs as she starts pulling stuff out of the saddle bags. "Going to change in you office!" She informs as she walks off.

"Boy you listen here you break her heart and I will break every bone in your body. She is like a daughter to me understood." Big Tony states towering over Toujou. "You wanna rumble old man?" Toujou asks as he crack his knuckles. "Boys are we gonna have a problem?" Little Bit asks stepping out of the garage. Both men turn smiling at her shaking their heads no. Toujou's jaw hits the ground as he realizes what she is wearing.

"Young lady go put you other clothes on right now!" Big Tony demands as Little Bit ties her hair in a bun. "In that skirt everyone in town will see my underwear." She argues. "That is no reason to come out in a leather bra!" Big Tony retorts. "I gotta go to work!" Little bit argues once more. She walks over closing Toujou's mouth snapping him out of his trance. "Your riding bitch." She says with a wink as she climbs on the bike. Toujou climbs on the back of the bike as Big Tony puts a helmet on him. "You better hang on tight boy." Big Tony laughs. Toujou sees a devilish smile cross Little Bits face as she goes to put her helmet on.

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