Chapter 9

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"Hey Toujou don't worry about coming by my place before work. I will meet you at the club. I gotta go in early to meet up with the girls." Little Bit's text read as Toujou picked up Aizawa from the hospital. "There something different about tonight?" Toujou asks Aizawa. "Let's just say it's going to be a good night." Aizawa answers with a sly grin. "Well I gotta stop by the jewelers before we go to work. I have to pick up something." Toujou informs Aizawa. Aizawa nods his head in acceptance as they head away from the hospital.

Little Bit sat in the back room with the rest of the girls at the club. Maria took Little Bits hair out if curlers letting it cascade down her back. "Maria you know I love you right." Little Bit states sweetly. "Yes I know." Maria answers. "Then forgive me!" Little bit exclaims as she darts from the chair heading for the front door.  Little Bit runs out the back room in only a silky thigh high robe. "I can't do it! I'm a chicken!" She exclaims trying to make it to the front door. Maria chases her down tackling her. "The hell if I care if your chicken. I have trained you to hard to back out now!" Maria exclaims. "Save me!" Little bit cries out as Maria carries her back to the back.

Toujou and Aizawa look on in utter surprise at the scene before them. "You gonna save her?" Aizawa asks looking to Toujou. "I may not be smart but I'm not stupid enough to get involved in that." Toujou states honestly. Toujou looks down at his pocket at the medium sized jewelry box. "She's going to love it quit worrying." Aizawa states. Toujou smacks Aizawa across the back of the head. "I know that stupid that's why I had it made." Toujou demands proudly. 

"We have been working on this for over a month Siren!" Maria scorns in the back. "I'm to nervous! What if I screw up?!" Little Bit retorts. "Your not going to screw up. Now give me that confident cocky bitch we all know and love." Maria demands. Little Bit laughs then smiles wide. "Hell if all else fails imagine it's someone else." Maria suggest. "I couldn't do this shit for any other guy. Maria we are about to give them one hell of a show like they have never seen before." Little Bit answers slipping on her heels with a wicked smile. "That's my girl!" Maria cheers as the others join in.

The club begins to fill with patrons. Aizawa takes the stage turning on a mic. "Welcome everyone! Tonight we have a special show in store for you. We have a birthday boy in the house. Toujou will you please join me on stage." Aizawa calls out. Toujou counts on his fingers before quickly realizing it is his birthday. Toujou jumps up on stage looking to Aizawa questionable. "You said it was her birthday?" Toujou asks. "I lied. I had the job of keeping you distracted. Now have fun big guy." Aizawa states setting Toujou in a chair on the stage. Toujou looks at him confused before leaning back in the chair getting comfortable.

(Play song) Strobe lights start to flash then the club goes black. Spotlights shine down on a different girl as the music names off girls. Little Bit strides forward as it sings "but I gotta girl who can put on a show". Toujou's eyes go wide as he had to adjust his jeans. Little gives him a wink as she licks her lips swinging around a pole. Toujou quickly sets forward watching intently as the other girls join in dancing with Little Bit. Maria grabs Little Bits top stripping it off revealing her strap outfit below as the music sings "she's got a pair that's nice to stare at". All the girls surround Toujou as he stares at Siren. The rap portion takes over the music. She shakes her ass slowly in front of taunting him. Siren happily sits on Toujou's lap making him swallow hard. She rubs her ass against his manhood before all the girls head back to the poles. Little saunters slowly before Maria quickly strips off her skirt. They take to the poles slowly spinning around.

As the music ends Little Bit does a flip softly landing on Toujou's stomach she raps her legs over his shoulders. Maria walks behind placing a funfeitte cupcake with a candle in between Little Bits breast. "Make a wish birthday boy!" The girls cry out! Toujou comes out of his stupor blowing out the candle. He looks up as he sees a wicked smile come across all the girls faces. Little Bit pushes Toujou's face into the cupcake then shimming her chest smearing icing and cake all over his face. Toujou looks up in shock as Little grabs the back of his head crashing his lips onto hers. Toujou's eyes go wide as he melts into the kiss. He pulls her close to him as they hear wolf whistles all around. Little Bit pulls away before winking walking back to the back. Toujou sits on stage in a daze, Aizawa shakes his head as he has to remove his friend from the stage.

Aizawa throws a cold wet rag on Toujou's face bring him out of his shocked stupor. "That wasn't a dream right?" Toujou asks wiping his face. "Oh no big guy that was all real." Aizawa answers with a chuckle. "I need a smoke hand one over." Toujou demands looking to Aizawa. "Here man I needed one after my first birthday dance. Though mine was nothing compared to yours." Aizawa admits handing over a cigarette and lighter. Toujou quickly makes his way out the door.

Little Bit comes out of the back in a little black tank top and shorts. "Hey Aizawa where's Toujou?" She quickly asks looking around. "He had to step out back for a smoke break." Aizawa answers with a chuckle. "Was it that bad?" Little bit asks nervously biting her lip. "Shit Little Bit I even got a chub out of it and you wasn't on my lap." Aizawa answers with a chuckle. Maria quickly smacks Aizawa over the back of the head for his comment. "You did amazing Little Bit I'm so proud!" Maria exclaim wiping away a fake tear. "My Little Bit is growing up!" Maria exclaims shaking Aizawa. "I'm gonna go check on Toujou." Little Bit giggles as Aizawa tries to calm Maria.

Little Bit makes her way out of the club to the back parking lot. She quickly spots Toujou smoking his cigarette, he sneaks up behind him snatching the cig from his hand. "You know these thing are bad for you right?" Little Bit asks looking to Toujou. Toujou chuckles hearing the same words he had said before. "So it's not your birthday?" He asks knowingly. "No my birthday was the day we went to the beach together." She answers with a smile. "Why didn't you tell me that day was your birthday?" Toujou asks confused. "Why would I. It's no big deal besides it was one of my best birthdays to date. I got to have fun at the beach, dance and see you snap a guys arm. What more could a girl ask for." Little smiles as her eyes sparkle at the memory.

Toujou chuckles as he looks down at his pocket. "Well I have to say that was one hell of a birthday present! Though I want to be greedy an ask for one more." Toujou states pulling out the medium box in his pocket. She looks to him completely confused before taking the box. "What's this?" She asks bewildered. Toujou gestures for her to open the box. She slowly opens the box gasping at the beautiful locket inside. "Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" She giggles as she looks up to Toujou. Toujou blushes bright red scratching the back of his neck. "I mean I never really asked a girl to be my girlfriend before." Toujou stutters out looking down at the ground. "Your so adorable when you blush!" Little Bit exclaims jumping up hugging Toujou. "So is that a yes?" Toujou asks nervously. "Of course I would love to be you psychotic girlfriend!" She exclaims kissing him.

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