Chapter 3

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When I became conscious, I blinked slowly as the area in front of me became visible. My entire body was leaning forward and I can feel the cuffs, cutting on my wrists. Bot of my arms were tied in the air forming a Y shape, and I couldn't even more my arms except my fingers...

Where am I?

What happened to Jellal?

How long was I out?

I glanced around myself, taking in the room I was in. It was circular with large crystals around the middle with a large symbol of the cult on the ground. Everything was purple smiliar to how the guards were dressed.

Then I heard a door opening and a man walked inside. I feel my inside freeze as I instantly recognize the heavy boot and the half sdie of his face. It was the man who kidnapped me 2 years ago. He seems to have grown a small mustache from the last time I had seen his face. He approached me, and I can feel my fear of him growing even stronger.

"You've done quite feat two nights ago," he said

I blinked, 'Did he just say, two nights ago? I have been unconscious for three days?'

"And what I hate more than anything is a slave disobeying their master," he said

Then pain grew upon my body causing me grit my teeth, not letting out a single scream. The man must have noticed this for the pain was gone and I let out a small whimper at the throbbing that was cursing through mt aching limbs

"You're quite resilient," he said taking hold my face and forcing me to look at him "It would seem that you have grown... resistant to the pain thatold spell can't accomplish. I must say I am quite impressed, grown men weep tears from a small dose of it and yet here you are, a child bearing the will of an adult"

'If you only knew how right you are' I thought, my muscles throbbing with pain

I noticed his eyes which were a dark brown staring straight into mines

"Your eyes are quite... unique," he said smirking, "And for your face, I can see that you might become quite  a pretty little thing when you grown up... such a shame really"

I feel something cold touch the side of my face drawing my eyes toward it as a glint of metal shone in the corner of my eyes...

'A knife' I thought, panic starting to settle within me

I can feel the stell caressing the side of my face and I shuddered in fear...

"Now what should I do to you since you've grown resilient of that old spell," he murmured as the blade continued to slide down the side of my neck "Shall I cut you throat?"

Then the blade rose up toward my lips

"Or your tonuge"

Then it reached the lower side of my left eye

"Or take one of your eyes as a trophy? Tell me young one, which of these would you like to lose today and speak quickly, for I tend to get carried away..."

I stared at him, my eyes wide in horror. I can see that on every line of his face that he will carry out what he was saying. He was not bluffing...

'He is insane' I thought

"You... You're insane," I murmured

A wicked grin grew on his face

"Well an eye it is," he said the blade rising straight toward the right side of my face, under one of my eyes

He pulled his hand back... I instantly turned my head away from him, realizing too late, that I left my neck exposed...

"Oh, on second thought, you've given me a great idea little one," he said

Then he pulled away, I curiously glanced toward him in surprise wondering wht he was about to do... until he came back with a rod in his hand. At the end of the rod, was the symbol of the cult but it was burning bright red as if it had been in the fire...

"You know," he started "I could have taken your eyes if I wanted but... I rather save it for the next brat they send under my care. Considering your unique eyes, I knew that I will be able to find you no matter where you are so I am going to leave a mark so you will always remember where you belong"

He aimed the hot tip toward me and I instinctively shruck back... though it didn't do much to help considering I was tied up

"Oh, you don't want it?" he asked, having noticed my movements "You don't want me to mark you?"

I shook my head, feeling my lips trembling

"Then beg," he said "Beg me..."

I can feel tears falling from my eyes by then. I was in a hopeless situation, and they was no one to help me. I was a child, I was useless

I feel something slice the side of my arm causing me to yell out in pain. My attention turned toward the knife noticing that it had blood upon it. He just cut me... the bastard had actually cut me

"I am not a patient man," he said "BEG"

I swallowed, feeling tears falling down upon my face

"P... Please," I croaked, "Please don't..."

I feel pain on the side of my legs, knowing that he had sliced me with that knife of his again

"I can' t hear you," he said, his face wide with a smirk and I can see that he was enjoying what he was doing to me

'You... You asshole' I seethed through my tears

"PLEASE DON'T MARK ME," I yelled out my voice echoing in the large room

I can hear him laughing as I lowered my head, my body trembling with sobs, feeling the tears running down my face

"Now, now," he said, once his laugh had subsided, "Was that so hard?"

Then a large hand took a fistful of my hair pulling my head back causing me to wince in pain, a gasp escaping my open muth. I noticed his eyes staring down at me, the joy he had of how much power he had over me

"Too bad for you, I am not a nice man," he said, and then, brought the bright red mark down at my hip

"No... Please..." I yelled out

Then something burning hot was pressed on the side of my hip, right hip. I screamed and trashed as much as I could but with the man's superior strength, it didn't matter. I can smell burning flesh as the mark was branded upon the side of my hip and the tears falling from my eyes

Then the burning pain was removed from my hip and I can still feel the sting of what he had done and something warm leaking from it, and I knew that it was blood. My body was shaking like a leaf as I stared at the man through my tear filled eyes

'I hate him... I hate him... I HATE HIM...'

"That will teach you to escape from her," he smirked "And that mark is proff that you are nothing but a slave... and a slaves's duty is to serve their masters... That's the only life you will have to look forward to as long as you are here... and when you feel it upon your skin, you'll know that you live the life of a slave and remember where you belong"

Then the pain surged through my body as the torture spell was thrown toward me again and I simply gave in to the pain... blocking out everything else

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