Chapter 27

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-First of all, Sorry I haven't been updating this story. I feel terrible as the author to leave like that but the truth I had zero ideas for this story after the last chapter. With that in mind once I had an idea I was soon pulled away from my spot because of my upcoming surgery. Which was cancelled once but now it's back on. So I'm happy about that I can walk again without pain-hopefully. Fingers crossed it goes well so I been busy with tests and doctors appointments with no time for writing... enough about my boring life. I finally had time to write so two chapters ahead... hopefully they are up to your liking and not terrible even after all the wait-

~small recap~

"Lucy...," she whispered, "It really was you."

I chuckled.

"Glad that you remembered me Erza," I told her.

Lucy stood in front of Jose repaying the debt she own to Granpda Rob...

To say Jose was mad when I was standing in front of him was an understatment. The man looked downright pissed off, his eyes completely pitch black. All around his body his shade magic was starting to leak out of his form and I can the chill rolling off him in waves.

"Have you forgotten your place, Lucy?" his voice full of anger

"You ordered them to stay away from me for unknown reason. Which I ended getting the truth and yet you decided to wipe Fairy Tail out. I will not stand for any of that. I will not stand by and watch you turn Phantom Lord into a Dark Guild"

"After everything that I have done for you, Lucy" he said "This is how you decide to repay me? I took you within my guild, decided to give you a life... yet you stand against me"

"Erza, was my friend before I was part of Phantom Lord. I'll be damned if I simply stand by and let you kill her, Master Jose" I hissed his name with disgusted 

"Before Phantom Lord you say?" he inquired "Oh... you mean, the place where you've that scar. The cult that was responsible for a large amount of children kidnapping for the good part of a decade. I recognized the symnol on your hip the first time Totomaru described it to me... and I must say I am shocked to hear that Titania is alos part of the same upbringing" I gripped my Darkness blade tighter "But you must be glad to hear that a recent Wizard Saint is responsible for the end of this calamity. The one they call Siegrain... but you must know, I am also a Wizard Saint and fighting against me is like trying to climb a wall with both hands tied behind your back" 

Erza stood besde me even with all the bruises. She looked like a fearsome warrior but she was still shaking at each step she took, "I don't care if you're a Wizard Saint. Anyone who attacks my guild and my friends... is my enemy"

I raised my blade as golden feather surrounded my form, "Consider this my resignation from Phantom Lord" 

"I will enjoy tearing you two to pieces" he growled

"Let's go, Lucy"

"Right behind you, Erza"

Then the two of us charged straight toward Jose who simply stood with both his hands by his side and then with our swords, we started to slash at him at top speed but he only avoiding them. 

"Child's play" he said as his magic began to rise throwing us back onto the ground, I managed to land on my feet but Erza didn't

"Are you okay?"

"It seems what I've done today is catching up to me" Erza said with a tiny smile

"I'm amazed you're still able to move after taking the Jupiter Cannon head-on"

"It's amazing what adrenaline and healthy dose of determination will do for you" she stood up with a small smirk "And I'm not giving up now"

She charged forward again, attacking Jose head on and the man simply continued to dodge her attacks...though I am surprised he even let us talk this long but Jose raised his hand in the air and with a simple wave, a large wave of shade magic blasted Erza sending her flying to the side and I struck forward hoping to get him with RuneSave and drain him of his magic but the man raised his other hand straight toward me.

"Not this time Lucy," he said.

"Heaven's Feather Shield," I said

As the blast of magic aimed straight for me, I summoned out my shield and let it slam into it like a freight train. I was shocked at how powerful the blast was, and my shield didn't even last long against it before it broke through and with a yell I was send backward landing upon the ground upon my back, blade flying out of my hands.

"Lucy...why you?"

Shaking my head, I slowly started to get back up, looking toward where Erza was fighting and saw that she was hitting nothing but air with her strikes against Master Jose. The man was completely in control of the situation from how he was acting. I got up on my knees and then raised my hand toward them summoning my magic out and then hundreds of feathers started to take shape around me all of them aimed toward where Jose was.

"ERZA GET OUT OF THE WAY," I screamed.

The redhead give me a sideway glance before jumping away and the next second I send all the feathers flying toward Jose who turned his attention toward them aiming straight toward him and then he was overtaken by the attack causing the guild around us to shake at the amount of power. I didn't stop I gripped my gun and shot multiple bullets into the smoke. 

"Did you get him?" Erza asked from where she was standing.

I was huffing lightly with how much power I was using, trying to see through the smokes.

"A nice attack," a voice said from right behind me, causing my blood to freeze in my veins, "But still too slow to do anything against me."

I turned my attention and before I could move something hard was slammed into my back flattening me into the ground and I yelled out in pain.

"You are quite strong," Jose continued from behind me, "And it's a shame that you decided to betray would have become quite a distinguished member of Phantom Lord...well, no matter, I will simply kill you right now."

Another blast hit me on my back causing me to yell out in pain as I tasted the metallic rust of blood in my mouth and knew that I was bleeding out.

"LUCY," Erza yelled from somewhere above and I heard quick running footsteps.

"Not on your life Titania," Jose said and I heard Erza yell out as the running stopped abruptly.

Weakly raising my head, I notice Erza was once again, tied up with Jose's binding spell.

"Considering that you are a former Phantom Lord member," Jose continued and I turned my head toward him looking at the man from beyond my curtain of hair, "You will receive the proper punishment for your betrayal, Lucy."

Before I could move, he raised his palm toward me and then pain coursed through my form and I screamed out as it feels like my very bones were on fire. I writhed where I was lying but I couldn't do anything against it...


"STOP IT, damn you," Erza was yelling, "Let her go..."

"Why should I?" Jose asked, "She is a member of my guild...I chose the punishment for the traitor as her guild Master and that death."

  Then a light overtook everything... 

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