Chapter 30

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The soft wind blew through the half opened window causing the blind to move with soft creas into the silent night. The room was completely covered in darkness safe from the single lacrima lamp that was casting a soft glow upon the room. I was half-asleep, lying upon the bed staring at the ceiling above me. I was dressed with a simple blac spaggetti strap shirt and some shorts  of how I was dressed when I came in. I turned my attention towards the sleeping figure beside me, scarlet hair spread all over the place underneath her.

Erza had fallen asleep a while ago, after convincing me to stay the night. She looked so peaceful beside me, her chest softly falling and rising at each breath she took. Even though we didn't say much after she cried, I guess shse wanted to have me close to her... so that when she wake up tomorrow, my presence didn't turn out to be a cruel dream. I made me wonder about how Erza truly felt during those times when she wasn't with the other member of Fairy Tail. When she is alone this room at night, silently waiting for sleep to come in the darkness when there is no more mask to wear?

Did she think of the past?

Did she cry when there was no one with her?

Did she feel...

My train of thought was broken when Erza let out a soft sigh and scrunched her eyebrows together if displeased by something. I feel a smile growing upon my lips as I observed her, she looked so cute.. really similar to that little girl I first met back at the R-System.

"Jel... lal..."

My mood darken hearing the name escape from Erza' lips. I sighed to myself turning my attention back to the plain white ceiling.

'You really love them don't cha, Erza?'

Well it was no surprise after all, even back then it was no doubt that Erza had certain feeling for the blue haired man. Sure, it was a crush for they were only kids back then but now it's all change. It seems no matter how much time has passed- some things will never change. Feeling wide awake now, sleep no longer seemed like an option. I slowly got out of bed, my movement so small afraid that I would wake her. I walked over to the adjacent bathroom.

I stepped inside and lighting up the room with the light lacrima and took a glance at my own reflection in the mirror. My eyes were lightly red from sleep and my hair had falling around my form in a mess, causing me to runa hand through it. As I did so, it revealed the black stigma that was permanently there upon my features. 

"Lucy?" I looked towards the half closed door

"I'm in here" I called out

The door opened ever so slightly and Erza was there, dressed in her purple pj's rubbing her eyes

"What are you doing up? you were sound asleep?" I asked

"I felt you move..."

"Okay, I'll be right there" I said turning off the light

We were back in the room and Erza sat down upon her bed pulling her pillow into her chest. She looked so much like a kid that I couldn't help let out a small giggle.


"You look like a little kid" I told her

She looked away and I can see a light red hue upon her cheeks, "Don't be ridiculous" she mumbled

"Okay are you going to tell me why you woke up?"

"I thought I did that already" 

I walked up to her taking my place next to her, "C'mon be honest with me, Erza. You owe me that much" 

Tower of HeavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora