Chapter 21

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"I didn't even get to use my Darkness Blade on him," I said shaking my head and replacing the sword back into its place.

"Then if it's the monster," Kagura said, "Then where are the people the Job Request said that had been kidnapping people."

I looked down at the creature, frowning "Somehow, I don't see this guy as a kidnapping type."

"You are right," Kagura said, "Could this mean...that this monster is not the one we are looking for?"

"Well, we never did get the description of the Monster in the Job Request," I told her with a frown upon my features, "Or is it a monster that is taking the people at all."

She gave me a glance "What do you think we should do now, Lucy?" she asked.

"We keep searching," I sighed, looking at her, "The people who were taken...they must be at least nearby if we had found a helmet earlier."

The girl let out a soft sigh, "Lead the way then."

We started to walk forward leaving the monster behind when a sound behind us caused us to stop. Both Kagura and I glanced at each other and I saw her hand already holding the handle of her blade and mine was gathering black mist magic.

We both turned around toward the noise finding the large monster, the very same one that Kagura had just taken down was standing up again, his large form towering above us.

"How can he still move...?"

"Guess he is made of tougher stuff than he look," I said, summoning a large amount of gold feathers, "Alright time for me to go all out."

My whole body began to glow as I was standing in my Demon form with black wings. The feathers flew around the monster's form as it glanced around at them, confused as to what is happening and I smirked. That always happens when I use this spell upon a monster...

"Heaven's Feather Festival," I said.

Large blast of numerous explosions echoed in the area as a number of dust grew around us and I pulled out Darkness Blade, wanting to be ready when the monster charge out but to my surprise when the dust dissipated, the monster was nowhere to be seen.

"Could you use that gravity change on us. To make us lighter and match it's speed when he is moving. Altering our gravity might be useful way to defeat it"

"That could be a way. But I can't keep it for long"

"It's alright, just hold out as long as you can" I grinned, wrapping a piece of cloth around my wound for the blood to stop "Heaven's Feather Resonance" a numerous black feathers flew out towards the area we were in

"What is that?"

"I'm using my magic to pinpoint where the monster was. And here you are... four o'clock toward the west... he is heading towards town. Moving at a fast speed, Kagura now!"

"Gravity shift"

I swerved out of the way of oncoming trees, aiming straight toward where the large creature was and sure enough, it was there moving quickly through the large foliage. It turned toward me, only for my feet to land upon it's face sending it flying backward and crashing through a couple of trees. I landed upon the ground in a crouch hearing Kagura landing beside me. The large monster let out a growl at us and I smirked, pulling Darkness Blade out with my good arm.

"Alright you big ugly, get ready for round two," I smirked.

Then I felt the strange breath of magic causing me to tense and then, the monster had disappeared again...except this time, I could see him moving. I knew it wasn't a teleportation spell. It was just using some sort of magic to increase his speed somehow.

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