Chapter 35

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The next day when I woke up, Gajeel and Juvia where already gone and I took a quick shower and brush my teeth before making my way through the house finding the Dragon Slayer and Juvia along with Totomaru.

"You're finally up" the latter said noticing me, "I was thinking you were never going to get out of bed"

"What time is it?" I asked

"It's almost noon" Juvia answered from where she sat

"You guys let me sleep till noon?"

"But at least you're awake right now" Totomaru told me, "Get something to eat, we'll be leaving soon"

"Where are we going?" I asked, taking some food off the plate on the table in the room

"We're going to where Mai's clan used to be" Totomaru said, "It's best if we see the damages that had been done to make a clear indication of what we're dealing with here. Mai got some people to the ruins, we'll go with them."

I nodded and ate my food in silence for a few minutes before a new idea crossed my mind. There was something I wanted to talk to Totomaru about.

"Say, why didn't you ever say anything about your brother?"

Totomaru looked at me, a little surprised

"I guess it just never came up" he said, "My brother and I weren't close to begin with, and I when I got interested in magic... well, he just stopped talking to me entirely and then I left... didn't know what he did for the past years. I won't be surprised if Father chose him as his heir"

"Still didn't talk to him?" I asked

"Not like I can get close to the place since he had guards everywhere" Totomaru told me with a light shrug

"They wouldn't even let you in?"

"Yeah" Totomaru said, "Thought I am pretty sure that it had something to do with someone breaking down the compound doors yesterday"

"Oh...sorry" I told him

"Don't worry about it," Totomaru said waving the apology aside

I looked down, "I wanted to help...but I ended up making things worse"

"I don't think I would even be able to stay here last night" Totomaru told me, "You did help... in your own destructive way, c'mon, Mai's people are waiting for us outside"

We made our way outside of the compound. It was a cloudy day with how gray everything looked around us. They were few people of Mai's Clan working at saddling horses. But the real sight was of Mai and she was standing beside a young man.

He had dark hair wearing it in a top knot similar to Totomaru's hairstyle but he had white stress falling down on the side. As we got closer, I realized that the young man bear a great resemblance to Totomaru, the only thing that was different was the black line that Totomaru had crossing his nose in a horizontal line. The young man caught sight of us and he smiled lightly.

"The rumors were true" he said, "You have come back brother"

"Tobimaru," Totomaru greeted

'That's his brother' I thought looking at the young man across us

"When did you get back?"

"Just this morning" Tobimaru, "Mai just told me about what she had asked you to do, and considering how strong your friends are, I must say that we will be in good hands"

"That's strange... seeing you supportive" Totomaru told him.

"I know what is at stakes" his brother told him, glancing at his brother, "While father may be old fashioned, I will do what it takes to protect my clan"

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