Chapter 14

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The next morning, Totomaru was the one to drag Nicholas back to the Mayor's office. The Mayor was shocked he was the cause of the problems

"Hey, Lucy, ready to go?" I look at him

"Yes, how are we getting home?" I asked

"We're getting a ride thanks to the Mayor as thank you"

We walked out of the room and walked towards the Library. The Mayor was standing there, behind him was the broken wall.

"Hello, Mayor Kaji, how can we help?" Totomaru asked

"I wanted to thank-you" he said "I would never suspect of Nicholas to do such things. He was always a kind man, Almost like someone you can depend on when the time comes... to think he had darkness in his heart"

When he said that, I couldn't help but think of Jellal. He was such a kind boy before becoming a puppet

Then he turned towards use with a bag, "This is the reward money for the job. I am sure that you will find good use for it"

Totomaru nodded, "I have, I decided to give it back to you... as a way to repair the Museum

Mayor Kanji looked shocked, "W-What?"

"There were no thieves to take care of" he said "The Job request asked to deal with some thieves but since we didn't. We can't accept the money"

"B-But there must be something I can do to repay you"

I was pulled out of my thoughts hearin that, "There is something"

They both glanced at me, What is it?"

"That gun... the one called 'The Gun of the Forbidden'" I said "Can I have it?"

"That old gun?" he was surprised "Why?"

I smiled, "Becasue the Blacked winged Devil has come to claim it"

I raised my hand and summoned my magic. Golden feathers started to form around me and black wings appeared. The Mayor's face showed surprise once again as he stepped back to look at me fully

"I-I never would have thought that my great-grandfather was right" he said softly

"What do you mean your great-grandfather?" Totomaru asked

"The man who created the The Gun of the Forbidden as it is nicknamed, was my great-grandfather, Haru Kanji. Something like that would have been sought out by the greatest collectors, willing to pay ridiculously large amount of jewels to buy it." he then looked sad for a second "Because of this gun's creation, my great-grandfather lost everything"

'What did I get myself into...?'

He made us follow him to hear the story so we could understand

In his office, "A long time ago... my family was from a long ling of firearm from father to sona all the way back to the old days. They were all gifted but none can outshine Haru Kanji. He was said to be a genius in gun making and sword making. No matter how many years passed all his weapons were in great condition. Everyone in Fiore knew his name, he became the most respected... everyone including Kings, Nobles wanted one of his creations" his hands tightened into fists "But one day, a cold stormy night, Haru started to work on a rifle. He spent weeks in his workshop, didn't even eat while working. My great-grandmother tried to bring out of his workshop but she could never. Then one day, he told about her about a dream he had, a vision of a person with black wings holding the rifle and a blade... that's when it went wrong"

You could see sadness in his eyes, he looked down

"He stopped taking orders from everyone, he kept saying the 'Demon' would come to claim it and he would use his time to make it perfect. But... no one ever did come and people started to think and call him crazy, saying he lost his mind. He grew angry and decided that he care for his family on his own. The fame he had was gone, no one wanted to hire him. Saying he was the son of a madman, he locked himself away it became to much and he hung himself"

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