Chapter 1

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"Daddy, you're just marrying me off to someone I don't even know!!" Lucy screamed at the top of her lungs "I don't know his name, what he looks like, heck, I don't even anything about him!" 

Jude Heartfilia listened calmly to his daughter's outburst. he was very aware that his daughter hated it when he made decisions for her

"You do know that-"

"Yessssssss, it can all be arranged!" Lucy mimicked, in a terrible imitation of her father. 'Why is this happening, plus mommy would hate what daddy was doing. If only she was still here' she thought.  Going straight to her room, then the lights went out

Jude pov

They had come, I thought sadly. My daughter would be with me no more. Faking a cry and scream, I splipped into the shadows

Lucy pov

This was my first actual blackout. Usually, the electrial lines were fine and the electrician slept and ate in the electricity room. This definitely wasn't an accident. A scream. God, no...

My dad. I took of the stupid heavy dress I had on, walked slowly to the window. A crashing sound made me wince and I hoped whoever broke in was far away from this location.

Then I looked down. Aw, Seriously? A rosebush?! Out of all things that could have been there. Here goes nothing! I jumped, and landed in the worst possible place after a rosebush. 

A stranger's arms. A handkerchief was pressed to my nose and I quickly lost consciousness. Seriously, I thought. I could have at least given him a good kick.


I was awoken by someone nuding me in the ribs. I winced at the touch groaning softly. I then, became aware of the wood on the ground swaying and I can hear the soft hovves of horses hitting the ground and the scrapping of the wheel against rocks

I was inside a carriage

"Miss Lucy, wake up," a man voice said, nudging me on my side again

I opened my eyes

The carriage was larger than I expected it to be. I went to move my hands but I noticed they were bound together. I made to move my feet but they were in the same conditions.

What the... where am I?

"Lucy," the man said again

I blinked slowly turning my head toward the voice but only managed to turn my head halfway. I noticed the black top of the hair

"Who... who are you?"

"You're finally awake," he said "If you want to stay alive you better listen Miss... Lucy"

"H-How do you know... my name?"

He didn't answer and left to the front.

"...took me longer than I thought," another man voice said, "But I have gotten a pretty big haul. Since we needed more kids considering the few that died..."

That caused a shiver to run through me

"Good work," the man said, "Maybe the project will finally be completed by then. The Magic COucil had already slowed us down as it is with the destructions of the seven other Towers. We will need to work as quickly as possible"

"The boat is ready?," the first voice asked

"I was waiting for you since yesterday," the second deep voice said, "Let's get this over with. The sooner we get these kids to the Tower the sooner we can continue to the project"

Tower of HeavenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon