Chapter 6

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Darkness. That was all she could see. Her mind spun. What happened? Where was she? She remembered Jellal. The failed escape. The look in her friends' eyes as they took her away. The screaming, and... nothing

Then the blow came, knocking her out of her stupor. She yelped as a sharp pain appeared along her chest

"Open your eyes," a man's vpice snarled "Don't pass out on me now" 

The girl squinted and blinked, realizing from a burst of pain that one of her eyes wouldn't open. She winced, and a familiar face came into view. That same face- torturing, tormenting. This wasn't the first time, but she knew it was going to be the last; the sessions hadn't always been this bad. Trying to escape was an offence that wasn't easily forgiven, and she knew they were going to make an example of her. Lifting the whip, the man brought it down on her exposed skin, opening yet another laceration in the girl's fragile skin.

Besides the searing pain in her eye, she could feel salty tears trickle down her cheek, a whimper forcing itself through her lips. The man in front of her chuckled and knelt down to her level where she was tied, slumping over, hands chained behins her in a 'Y' form. She started to tremble as he leaned closer, his sinister grin widening ever so slightly. At this distance, she could make out his familiar broad jaw and unkempt ebony hair that hung down over his eyes. His features were covered with blood. Her blood. The near unbearable agony in her eyes and body made her mind spin, and her vision blurred.

"Please..." she whispered. A sbo escaped, and the words started to spin "Don't..."

Tha man clicked his tongue. He reached forward and moved aside her blonde hair, cupping her chin with his free hand "Sweet girl," he said, stroking her cheek "You know what happens to runners. I don'thave a choice" He wiped a stray tear away with his thumb, deliberately increasing the pressure as he came into contact with a cut

She started shaking and clenched her teeth "Liar" She knew what was coming next

Reaching back, the man struck her on the side of her face, knocking her on her side. Blood flew from her lips across the porcelain floor, and she coughed, expelling the red liquid from her mouth. It was all she could do before the man roughly grabbe her by the front of her hoodie and pulled her back into straight postion. The girl grasped for breath, sputtering, as blood rolled down her chin and down her throat

The man's lips curled into a grimance "I hate to do this to you, Lucy. You were always my favorite, and we had so many fun times together" He reached behind him and unsheathed a knife from his belt. Bringing it into her vie, he stilled her shaking by placing the sharp edge against her neck "But platime's over now. The boss wants results" 

Lucy squezzed her eyes shut and held her breath. This was it; the end of her miserable life. All the things Grandpa Rob talked about, all the beautiful things in the world he told her about faded into nothing and the only things left were this blood-stained room and the knife held against her skin. This was her reality. She was going to die

The blade pressed harder and drew a silver of blood. Lucy whimpered 'Jellal...'


On the other side of the tower we have Jellal recieveing punishment for trying to save the rest. He does end up being possessed...


Erza is on here way to save him and Lucy...


Erza panted, standing over the guards body.

"I need to find them" 

Erza ran until she reached a door, where she heard screaming inside. Erza spent no time breaking open the door and rushing inside. Jellal was surrounded by a purple cloud, an expression of complete madness on his face.

"Jellal! Thank goodness you're alright. We have to find Lucy. We have to get out of here. Let's go," Erza said 

"No. No, we need to finish this tower," he said as he backed away from here

"What do you mean Jellal? We need to leave. Don't you rememeber why we were building this in the first place," Erza asked, confused

"To resurrect the great Lord Zeref. Or savior of darkness," Jellal answered with an insane smirk

"He's not here to save us! He's here to kill us! We can't resurrect him," Erza said as she started pulling Jellal toward the exit "Let's go. We're finally free! Don't you understand?"

A loud smack could be heard through the room. Erza was holding her right cheek where a bruise was forming

"Don't you dare say Zeref is here to kill us! He's our Lord! Our savior! He's going to lead us to a utopia," Jellal shouted with a cackle following shortly afterwards

"Your eye," Erza said, looking through the blue or her tears. Erza could see the symbol of Zeref taking over his eye 

"Never come back. If you do, I'll kill everyone you love. Leave this place, enjoy your 'freedom'. Jellal said

'Destroy anyone I love? There's no one left' Erza thought to herself as a tear slipped down her face


Jellal made his way back inside. Walking through the halls. Towards Lucy. Defeating any guards along the way...

"Lucy..." a whisper rang inside the room

Lucy was waking up from the beating. Pain rushing through her body. Not being able to open one eye. Her vision blurry. She knew that voice anywhere. She had to wake up

"Lucy..." the voice said coming closer "What have they done to you" he said untieing her legs and arm, catching her as she fell

"J... Jellal..." she tried to speak

"Shhh... I'm right here" he wrapped a cloth around her eye

Jellal picked Lucy up. Setting one arm around his neck. He helped her walk out of the room. The coast was clear. 

"J-Jellal... where is Erza-nee?" Lucy asked

"She left us..." Lucy eyes widened


"She left us behind... She even destroyed the boats we were going to use to escape. She left to find her freedom"

"I-I... don't believe it" she said, tears forming in her eye

"Don't worry. I'll protect you, Lucy. This is where freedom is. He told me"


"Our savior, Lucy... Will you stay and help me?" he said, holding a hand out

Lucy didn't want to do anything. She couldn't believe nee-chan would leave her and the others. She couldn't trust anyone. But... Jellal did come back for her, so...

Lucy toke hold of Jellal's hand. Leading her to where the other were. 

"LUCY!" they all yelled, rushing to hug her

"Hey guys..."

"Are you okay, Lucy? W-What happened..." Milliana asked

"Ohh... don't worry. I'm fine... I'm better now that we are all together"

They all noticed her eyes, but were to scared to bring up the topic. Thinking she may remember the horrible time she spent there. Jellal being the new leader, Lucy helped him out along with the others. Still, believeing that Erza abandonded them. 

Throughout the years, they all grew. Learned new magic. Jellal did become cold, but never cold towards Lucy. Lucy always thought of him as a brother... but could there be more. Lucy was determined that once this whole plan was done. She would escape to find help and bring the old Jellal back. 

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