Chapter 16

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"Well, you two lovebirds are as loud as ever" a familiar voice calls out

"Hey, Saki" I smiled, then it hit me, "HEY, WE ARE NOT LOVERBIRDS"

She had a smirk on her face "Really... having a boy sneak into your room often is what I call love in action"

Gajeel frowned, "She said I could come over anytime"

I glared at him "STOP TALKING"

I did tell him he could come over... I really wanted to be friends. The problem was he came whenever he felt like it. Making things worse it happened if I was coming out of the shower. At first Saki called it cute because we were young. As we got older, she made comments about being lovebirds. Then one day he decided to come and Totomaru had visited that same day... meaning I earned teasing from him as well. Gajeel didn't seem to catch any of it, because he keeped doing it but for most times he had a job request with him.

"Saki, why do you have an umbrella?" I asked, confused

"Well, there have been irregular rain showers these past day since you left for your mission"

"Ohh..." was all I managed looking at the darken sky

"I'm expecting you for dinner later tonight, Lucy" Saki said, "And bring your boyfriend"


Gajeel continued to walk in front of me as we went  back to the guild. As we were on our way I felt something wet drop on my face causing me to blink. I glanced up towards the sky which were getting darker. It started to rain 

"Damn what the...?" Gajeel said surprised, "Where the heck this rain come from?"

"Maybe this is what Saki was talking about"

The young man shrugged his shoulders and continued on his way. I followed after him not before seeing a young girl with curly blue hair. We arrived at the Guild Hall which was filled as usual. Gajeel left to the bar to get something to eat and I made my way to Totmaru he was Monsieur Sol.

"Ah, Lucy" he noticed me

"Ah, Mademosiselle Lucy. Bonjour"

"Hey, quick question did we get a new member?"

"Oui my Cherie" 

"Like Monsieur Sol said. Master Jose brought a girl a day after you left for a mission. I think her name is Juvia Lockster. She quite a skilled water mage but she is rather shy"

"The Master had decided that Madeemoiselle Juvia form a team with other S-Class mage"

"A new team?" I frowned

"So how was your latest job?" Totomaru asked, "You destroyed any towns?"

I glared at him, "One time. It wasn't a town" 

"Well, half a town really" he teased, "That had to be one of the biggest record of the most destruction done by the Angel of Death of Phantom Lord" I pouted 

On my way home, the rain started to fall again and I looked up letting the rain run down my face. I looked ahead seeing a young girl seating on a bench, with an umbrella. I smiled and made my way towards her till I was in front of her. She instantly looked up, her blue eyes and pale face blank of any emotions. I looked at the doll in her hand.

"What is that?"

"Oh, this is Juvia's teru teru bozu doll"

"A doll for good weather"

She looked down sad, "Juvia is ... used to the rain. Juvia is wondering who you are?"

"Call me Lucy, or Angel od Death of Phantom Lord"

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