Chapter 13

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'D...Did I somehow just bond with a rifle and sword? I never heard of this happening anymore?"

"A blood contract?" Nicholas said "So the gun had chosen you a kid... over me?"

I turned toward the man and notice the angry look on his face now. He looked so angry that veins were appearing upon his face as his hands were tightened into fists.

"You little brat, I'll blow you away" he yelled "I command... for an Explosion Force upon you"

While he was talking my first instinct was to go for the blade and I took it with my bloody hands. I hold it against the man as he cast his spell which became blinding white and then an explosion shook the area around me. I could feel the building shaking, glass breaking but the weird thing... it wasn't hit.

I open my eyes and I gasp instantly noticing the golden magic circle ha appeared right in front of me. The perfect circle was on the ground in the middle of the destruction. Did it just... protect me?

"I... I don't believe it" Nicholas said, shock clearly in his voice

I looked up at him and took hold of the blade and rifle in my good hand, glaring at him. My weapon can somehow do something against his magic and I can't let this chance pass up.

"You have lost magic, don't you?" he seemed surprised

"I am surprised that a brat like you even knows about Lost Magic" he said "You're unusually sharp for a ten year old. No wonder you got accepted into a guild at such an earl age and be able to use magic too" he raised his hand "But you are correct in your assessment little girl. I do practice a type of Lost Magic that I have learned in studies of this tablet. A part of Lost Magic called 'Arc of Reality-Wish. As you can see it allows me to bring things I wish for... to reality" 

He looked at the tablet "It's quite fascinating. The Archaeological Society said it was too dangerous to keep around. So they wanted to hand it over to the Magical Council but I couldn't let them throw away this knowledge, this gift from Zeref. We can change the world and make it ours..."

"I like the world the way it is" I said "Why do we need to change it?" he looked shocked

"You said so yourself didn't you?" I continued "We learn from the mistakes of the past to make a better future for our world. What are you doing, however is taking the mistake of the past and makes them here in the present. You don't learn from your mistakes Nicholas and from the way you're going, you never will" 

His was now more angry as  he raised his hand "What kind of ten year old are you?" 

Seeing his movements I was ready. Dashing forward with incredible speed I charged straight at him as he was about to cast the spell. I cut him off with a slash of the blade causing an explosion of magic sending him flying backwards from the attack.

"What do you understand of this world?" I grab the rifle and took a place on the ground and began shooting "You are simply a brat... who thinks they know it all but you're wrong..."

I kept shooting as a golden glow started to appear around me, my anger growing for the man in front of me . The golden feather danced around my form and even my hair was blowing around as my form changed. 

"You're the one that is wrong!" I yelled changing back to my blade "I understand more than you could ever could" I jumped and did a roundhouse kick to his face

"I lost my friend" I said "My father was a cruel man who had me kidnapped... a kind old man who I though was a grandfather to me sacrificed himself so that I could live today... but I don't make the mistake to bring them back, although I'm sad that they aren't by my side. Bring them back wouldn't be the right choice just because of me being selfish and want them here"

I glare at him, his eyes wide open

"But I continue to walk forward, making new friends" I continue "As long as I am breathing, ALIVE. I will live without regrets. What you are doing Nicholas... will leave you with nothing but regrets in the end... STOP while you can"

A silence feel as I watched the man on the ground in front of me... hope that he would understand. He slowly began to stand up

"I will never stop" he said, softly "I will never stop. Let alone get lectured by some child" 

I had a tight grip on the blade and rifle was strapped onto my back

"I will bring a change in the world" he continued "I won't let a brat like you whose barely hit puberty tell me what to do... I command... an Explosion will hit you"

The magic began to grow and was aimed at me. I wasn't going to give up with a single swing of the blade making it cut through. I let my hand fall to my side and glared at Nicholas. An explosion echoed around me from both sides and I could hear him gasp.

"She cut through the magic... Impossible" he yelled

"Then I will free you from the mistakes of the past" I said charging forward "Starting by destroying the tablet"

"I won't let you" sending another attack

A golden glow appeared around the blade as I pierced through the magic, aiming at Nicholas. Both eyes wide as he stared at me in shock, began to dance around me and I was now standing in my other form

"Be free... Nicholas" I yelled

"It... it can't be... A Demon" he whispered 

The sword ran straight through him and I felt it hit the tablet. A bright light green blew us away as cracks appear on the tablet before bursting into pieces. Nicholas was lying a few feet away from me the sword still stuck in his stomach. I pulled out the sword and stood there not sure what to do. 

"Lucy" I turn around to find Totomaru, a few scrapes

"Are you okay?" he asked

"I'm fine..." I answered looking down "I'm fine, what happened to the armors?"

"They all fell into pieces. I guessed whatever spell was holding them together was broken" Totomaru said kneeling beside Nicholas "Who is this?"

"That's Nicholas... at least that's how he really look likes"

"There never was any thieves to begin with Totomaru" I told him "He set everything up... all that  time the people of this town believe they were attacked by thieves. It was this man's doing, he played them all for fools, even us"

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