Chapter 1: So First A Bit About Me

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Hi there! I'm Alexandra Stormwright. Well...not really. That is my character's name. Mine shall remain a mystery to those of you who know not of me. Hehe sorry. ;)

I'm just another girl in this world trying to watch an entire series in one weekend and read 10 million books a week. That is, of course, is a hyperbole or extreme exaggeration. So by now you would realise that I'm probably the type of girl who is really into English. That is partially true, if I'm being honest I'm more into writing poetry than learning about figures of speech. Sadly, you can't write poems without figures of speech so you have to learn them anyway. Oh well...

I am a huge fan of Harry Potter and I have read the series twice so far and I think I watched the movies at least 30 times each and that is no exagerration. I love them and I think life would be so boring if Harry Potter was never written. And for those of you who are Twihards and hate Harry Potter, I pity you cos Harry Potter had more of a love story in a couple of chapters (Snape and Lily) than Twilight had in FOUR books.

Just so you know as much as I feel Snape's pain, I know deep down that Lily was happier with James. Snape's love for Lily is beautiful and will ALWAYS be beautiful.

I also ship Dramione because...they were meant to be together but JK Rowling changed her mind cos putting Hermione with Ron was easier.

So this is pretty much all I'm gonna cover for now. There's plenty more to say...type and share with you wonderful readers.

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