Chapter 16: Procrastination

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I'm meant to be studying....I'm meant to be doing something schooly but instead I do what I am doing right now:

PROCRASTINATING!!! Oh the struggle is real.

For some odd reason I want to be doing maths right now....I dunno why. Meh.

Potatoes! Procrastination! PO-TAY-TOES!!!!!

Craving popcorn right now. With lots of butter salt. Butter salt..yuuuuummmmyyy :p

POTATOES ARE BAE! I think I've gotten a bit too bored so now I'm reacting out in crazy. It's just like how I'm allergic to stupidity so I break out with sarcasm.

Me: I should go...buuuuut....

Readers: *wave bye*

Me: Is tha-

Readers: GO!

Me: Fiiiiiine...bye. *walks a little then turns back* POTATO! Okay I'm going now ;)

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