Chapter 6: Music To My Ears

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Music is my passion. Music is my joy. Music is beautiful. Mus- *Readers start to growl with irration* Oh fiiiiine.

So as you may have gathered after my beauti- *Readers raise eyebrows* droning on about music, I really love it. In case you didn't read my bio already : I am a singer/song writer. I can play two instruments and I'm trying to self-teach myself piano. Hehe....And failing dismally.

Any who, not only do I sing and stuff but I listen to music. Yeah, isn't it mindblowing. Like who would've thunk it. *totally sarcastic* But seriously, I listen to a lot of music. Any genre you name I have most probably heard before (but give me an example before you name the uncommon genres. Lolz I don't always know which song goes with which genre.)

At the moment I'm addicted to The 1975 who is just AMAZING! They are one of the best bands I've heard in years. Sorry to the other bands that girls are overly obsessed about, but it's true. No one in 1D or 5SOS sings the way The 1975 does.

Okie so this chapter was actually made just to advertise one band cos I love their music so much and listen to their songs on repeat. Please just check them out. I promise you won't regret ;)

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