Chapter 4: On the Matter of Sleep

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I have a HUGE, GIGANTIC, GINORMOUS issue with this topic. No matter how many times I try to sleep in I end up waking at the same time daily.

I HATE my inner alarm clock. *goes to alarm clock and shoots it till it shatters.*It's so annoying. *burns shattered pieces of the alarm clock till it's ash* For example: it's Saturday and I wanna sleep till 8am/9am. Instead I wake up at 5 IN THE POTATO MORNING!

I can't stand it. And then I'm crabby for the rest of the day cos I already woke up as if I was going to school...except on a Saturday. Which is quite coincidental today because I planned on waking up at 6am but I woke up at 5:30am instead. Which is pretty sad cos I just needed 30min more. And because of a play that I'm in I have to go to school today for rehearsals so ....Hehe Lolz;) I guess today I shouldn't really complain.

Any who I hope the rest of you are more successful at sleeping in than I am. And going according to my book title :"There is Always (<<<Harry Potter fans go fangirl/fanboy right now) hope for those, like me who can't sleep in...I hope.

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