Chapter 25: Rant. Just Don't Ask.

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Setting the scene: Do you ever have things that happen to you that hurt like hell? You're emotionally torn and you don't know what to do?
Well, of course you turn to the people who are always there for you. Sometimes friends, sometimes family. And sometimes they tell you the following:

1) Be strong and get over it.
2) You need to let go.
3) Can you just give it a break?
4) Stop letting it get to you.
5) Why is it upsetting you so much? It's nothing major.

And you just feel pathetic. For most of their replies, they don't realise: IT'S EASIER SAID THAN DONE. But you know they mean well.

You don't want to always be the strong person everyone expects. You want to talk it out and cry and just be loved. You don't want to have to feel like a burden, but you have no one else to talk to.

It's just a bundle of awfulness and it hurts even more when you feel like you're annoying people when you try to talk it out.

I guess this chapter sucks quite a bit, but I'm just writing as thoughts come. Bare (bear?) with me.

Has this ever happened to any of you?

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