Chapter 9: Surprise Get Togethers with a Twist

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Today was excellent! My friends and I planned a surprise farewell get together for one of my close friends who's moving to Australia. She had no idea and then when she entered the house she got such a shock when she saw all of us. It was brilliant and there was so much hugging and laughing.

We literally spent the whole day doing the randomest of stuff. We played hide and seek, Twister and the chocolate game. Along with that, A LOT of chocolate brownies were consumed. I love chocolate and I don't know if I told you before but anyways I told you now.

There was music too. One of my friends connected her laptop to the TV and we danced a lot. We're definitely not the type of girls to go to rages and stuff. I think that being at home and going crazy is perfect enough for us. We can wear pyjamas and watch High School Musical while singing off key to all our favourite songs. It's the best.

Of course our friend was overjoyed with the whole day. She loved it and we had so much fun. But at some point it hit me again: she is going to leave at the end of Term 2. She is leaving...

I honestly hate goodbyes. I don't want her to go. When I needed comfort she was there for me, she was and is my rock. And she is most definitely my friend. I don't ever want to have to say goodbye and the thought of knowing I'll have to is almost too much to handle. I promise you, I will not be able to keep my tears in when the time comes...I'm even struggling to keep them in now.

This term coming up, I'm going to make the most of the time I have left with seeing my friend in person. Skype just isn't the same and Australia is too far away for often visits.

If you, dear reader, have had a similar experience, have any advice or want to just share your opinion then please comment. Thanks :)

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