Chapter 32: Dare

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I was dared today by someone *cough* look at tag *cough. Here's how it went down:

Food "Borrower": Hey Salsa. Take out a book for me pweeeassseee.

Soft Heart: Fiiiine.


SF: *tells story about how she was so tired that she went up to her mum like a zombie, hug her and said: brrraaaaiiiinsss*

F"B": *re-enacts story* I ate your brain. Mwahahaaaa.

SF: *plays dumb* What's colour? Whaaat? *continues LIKE A BOSS*

F"B": OH MY GOSH! Imagine if you did that in a lesson. Wait! I DARE you to do that in the last lesson.

And would you believe it peoples...I agreed to the dare. AND I got my teacher to play along. My classmates were FREAKED OUT, but at the end of the day I explained. It was hilarious and F"B" is suuuuper proud.

Don't y'all just love my friends? (That I mention in most of my chapters) Well then FOLLOW, ADD, READ, LIKE AND COMMENT whether it's them or me. GOGOGOGOGOGOOOOOOO! 😊

P.S. Food "Borrower" would like FOLLOWS, ADDS, READS, LIKES, COMMENTS AND FOOOOOD. Seriously...just food would be fine. She'll appreciate it and maybe she'll share with me. Eg) Donate chocolate or pizza, all the healthy stuff ya know.

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