Chapter 12: Have You Ever...

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Have you ever wanted something you can't have? This is a broad question and most of us can say yes. Let me elaborate.

This question can refer to most things: the latest gadget you were denied, the boy/girl you really like but they aren't single (or they're fictional/gay etc.), the pet your parents won't adopt, those VIP tickets (picture your favourite band or singer) that are sold out or the next season of Sherlock to come out in a week.

Like I implied: this applies to most people. Now I shall elaborate my elaboration.

1) Most of us would LOVE to have the iPhone or Samsung. You really, really want it like you can't even handle the longing. It just looks so cool and has the best features and (potato forbid) ALL our friends have one. But guess what?...the parental units said: No. You're getting our old phone while we get the new one. (This never happens to me. I'm just speaking about my friends' experiences. I have the same phone as my dad and brother and we upgrade at the same time.)

2) This one is for all the romantics, people with strong crushes or fangirls/fanboys. Think about this: There's that boy/girl who's just gorgeous and their personality is FANTASTIC. You really like them and all that stuff. You think you're perfect for them or that you can't picture your future without them. (Cliche teen stuff...most of us have been in this situation.) But here's the twist..They are either; in a relationship, gay, fictional, famous, don't know you exist, they just don't feel the same or you're not allowed to date yet. BAM! It's like a slap in the face.

3) This is for animal lovers. Remember that puppy that stared at you when you walked through the pet shop or the kitten that snuggled itself against your legs when it swaggered past. And then remember begging your parents to let you have it and the way they said: N. O. spells NO! Yeah...that sucks the most...*sobs and goes emotional* I still want a kitten.

4) For all those 1D, The Vamps, Taylor Swift, 5SOS, Beyonce, Mil-*Readers: DON'T EVEN SAY THAT NAME. She'll come in a wrecking ball* Okaaaay then. Thank goodness I have such bae readers. Well, continuing: Can you picture those VIP tickets that were advertised on Computicket? Those VIP tickets your friends got their hands on and shoved in your face? Now feel the passion. Your love for your favourite singer or band and how you got stuck with tickets for the back row of stadium. Yikes...And that was because the tickets you bought were some of the last few left cos everyone else bought theirs seconds after the opening of sales. (Again, I have not experienced this).

5) And then there were the fangirls and fanboys that fell prey to Sherlock. Hehe...I'm one of these too. Each season takes a millennium to release and you just can't take not having it out now. If you're loyal enough to Sherlock and watch the series then I don't need to explain more. Y'all know the feeling.

You know what else sucks...even after ranting about this stuff you still want those things you just can't have. But the good thing is that the future awaits and who knows? You might just get what you want.

So that's it for today. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote, comment and check out my other book. ;)

I ♡ POTATOES!!! (If you don't get this then read my first few chapters. I explain this somewhere)

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