Chapter 10: OH NO! They Found Me! I've Been...TAGGED

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I was tagged by JustAnotherSpelunker.

1) Post all rules
2) Answer 13 questions
3) Tag 13 people
4) Write 13 questions
5) Just have fun


1) OTP?
Dramione, Mattlex and the one that JustAnotherSpelunker came up with ;) *takes a photo* (hope you get it :p)

2) Hot chocolate or Milo?
Is this a trick question? LOLZ. Hot chocolate, of course.

3) Have you read the Silmarilion?
I tried to. I got up to Chapter 3 or 4 and then I just couldn't go on cos I would've taken too long to finish the book.

4) If you ever got a chance to meet a cannibal what question would you ask it? Bear (bare?) in mind it will probably be your last.
I honestly don't think I'd ask a question. I think I'd make a statement something like this: I hope you like fire cos you're gonna burn in Hell for eternity. And then you will regret not sticking to a natural diet such as vegetables and farm animals. Good luck!

5) Complete the sentence: If I was a breakfast cereal I would be...
Coco Pops because I LOVE CHOCOLATE! So it would only be right to be a chocolate cereal. Plus Coco Pops is tasty. I would want to be a tasty cereal.

6) Italian or French?
I'd have to say French. Because: Je suis une fille that loves the French language.

7) *Gollum voice* what is your preciouuuussssessss?
It wouldn't be precious if I told you, now would it? ;)

8) Top 3 songs?
Ugh! by The 1975
Pearl by Katy Perry
Paint it, black by Ciara

9) Main Fandom
HARRY POTTER!!!! Hands down with no thinking required.

10) Do you like cheese?
Pssht, no! I don't like cheese. I LOVE CHEESE. Especially Cheddar and Mozzarella.

11) What is your pet peeve?
When people say your instead of you're and vice versa. But I have plenty of pet peeves. Humanity is annoying.

12) What book are you currently reading on Wattpad?
Why Harry Potter is Better than Twilight by E-Slappy.

13) Favourite YouTuber?
Danisnotonfire ♡♡♡♡♡ HE IS MY BAE!

Okie so now it's time for my afraid, be VERY afraid.


1) Favourite Harry Potter character?
2) Top 3 OTP's?
3) Chocolate or strawberry?
4) Katy Perry or Taylor Swift?
5) If you could die in anyway, how would you die?
6) Do you wanna build a snowman?
7) Frozen or Tangled?
8) Who is that special fictional someone who makes your heart beat a mile a minute?
9) Top 5 favourite singers?
10) Guitar or piano?
11) Who is your main OC?
12) Who is your OC's crush, boyfriend/girlfriend etc.?
13) Are you sick of Let it Go?

Here are the victims:

So before you bite my head off: I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE TO TAG SO I BROKE A RULE. Too bad...but if you would like to take part just answer in the comments. I would love to hear about my readers. :) Have Fun!

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