Chapter 8: Danisnotonfire

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I LOVE DAN! He is officially my favourite YouTuber. I adore Phil as well but Dan tops all.

Dan literally expresses so many of my emotions and stresses how foolish the human race is. I literally stare at his videos trying not to laugh my head off at the relatability (I really don't know if that word exists but I had fun typing it so...POTATO!)

I promise that if ever you're looking for something good to watch on YouTube Dan and Phil are your best bet. They will have you facepalming at so many things and laughing till tears fall down your face.

Trust me. I was chilling in my parents room and my mum was sleeping while I watched videos. I had to shove my pillow into my face so many times just so that I didn't laugh and wake her up. That's hilarious in itself. I mean, just picture this: a girl chilling on a bed, laughing into a pillow, with tears streaming down her face and her mum sleeping next to her, completely oblivious. mum had no idea until she woke up and saw me. She was like,"Are you okay?" And then she fell off to sleep after that while I kept on explaining why I was laughing. So I was talking to myself I guess ;D *fangirls about a Danisnotonfire vlog*

Readers: Whaaaaat?
Me: Just watch all his vlogs and then you'll understand.
Readers: Ain't nobody got time for that.
Me:Oh. Thou art lazy potatoes. Look for the one about talking to yourself.

Weeeelll, so I'm gonna stop typing now... *Arnold's voice* I'll be back. ;)

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