Chapter 2: Friends

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Okay so I have some amazing friends. We all ship similar OTPs and share fandoms. And it's really confusing how we ended up becoming friends cos I don't really remember. It kinda just happened and now I couldn't be happier.

I mean, I wouldn't survive a day without my friends. They keep me laughing and smiling and even when we argue we're all still so close. I can't imagine my life without them and I don't want to.

Another thing about me and my friends is that we do some crazy stuff. Like:
We had a Harry Potter marathon at my house in December and we ended up only watching one movie and a half and pillow fighting. It's like we all got ADHD or something. And it was really weird cos my friends were passing my tiger teddybear around like it was a game of Pass the Parcel. Lolz. It was really funny.

And we all have these weird catchphrases I mean... I LOVE saying potato for some reason. Hehe *points to the distants* ITS A POTATO! ERMYGAWSH! ITS NOT JUST ANY POTATO, IT'S PIE THE POTATO! (PIE! is one of -unicorns-- favourite words)

Yeah so we're not the type of teens to go out to parties with DJ's and stuff. We just like to hang out with each other, laugh, eat and have pillow fights. It's the best kind of friendship.

Just a few of my friends. (The others need some encouragement to download Wattpad ;p lolz)

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