Reasons To Love Your Pisces Partner

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1. They're ridiculously imaginative.

Pisces is a pro at daydreaming about anything really, from a ridiculously romantic vacation (probably aboard a yacht or on a desert island, because being by the ocean is key) to what they'd do if they won the lottery.

2. They're extremely empathetic.

All water signs tend to be in tune with their emotions, but Pisceans tend to not only feel all their own feelings but also take on everything around them. This is useful when, for instance, you've had a rough week and hate everyone. Chances are your Pisces will empathize and happily join you on the couch to binge watch and Chinese takeout.

3. They're natural-born flirts and romantics.

4. They're super-sensitive and intuitive.

While they're not mind readers (though they can be psychic - yes, really), your Pisces will probably just know what's driving you nuts without you having to say much at all.

5. They've got rhythm.

6. They're incredibly compassionate.

Whether you want to volunteer at the soup kitchen, save the whales, or just whine for a few minutes after you hurt yourself doing something clumsy, Pisceans feel other people's pain and genuinely want to help.

7. They're pros at escapism.

Yeah, unfortunately this could mean drinking (or doing other substances) to excess, but it can also mean being really into movies, music, poetry, theater, etc. Even, say, role-play, if that's your thing.

8. They're innately spiritual.

Pisces is also ruled by the 12th house in astrology, which involves soul-searching, karma, and dreams, so they're all about answering the deepest questions about themselves but also about everything that's bigger than themselves.

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