Turning a Relationship with a Pisces Guy into Something Serious

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How to turn a relationship with a Pisces guy into something serious?

1. Be patient.

Pisces man tends to give himself entirely to relationships 100 percent, so it will take him time to feel comfortable before he commits to that level of investment.

The Pisces guy you know is probably the best guy friend you have. He's the one who takes an interest in your hobbies, dreams and struggles. He needs to feel comfortable with you before he opens up to the possibility of love.

So you have to be patient. Instead of overwhelming him with an outpour of your feelings right off the bat and trying to jump into a relationship, ease him into the idea of something serious by taking an interest in his life in return.

Once he knows you're interested in more than just a fling, he'll be willing to open up. When he does, you'll have one of the most faithful signs on your hands.

2. Be ready for something serious.

If you're dating a Pisces man, he expects you to be committed just to him.

When he commits to you, he commits emotionally. He puts his heart and soul into relationships, and you'll quickly see the signs that he's interested in something serious.

Dating a Pisces man is an adventure-filled, passionate experience. Pisces can be light-hearted and playful. But if you're interested in attracting a Pisces man, trust and respect are crucial for your relationship to work.

3. Be open.

Unlike those immature types you may have dated in the past, a Pisces man will support you in your endeavors. In return, be open with him.

Tell him the things you're struggling with at school or work, and ask him for his suggestions and support. The more you go to him for support and open up to him emotionally, the better your relationship will be.

4. Support his wild dreams.

He'll be supportive of your hopes and dreams. In return, listen to his dreams. Don't tear him down.

Even though you might see some of his wild dreams as impossible or ridiculous, give them a chance. He might just surprise you with what he is able to accomplish.

Pisces men want to be around people who can go along with them on their wild and exciting rides. The Pisces man's honesty, trustworthiness and passion make dreams that would be impossible to the rest of us achievable for him.

5. Be gentle.

While dating a Pisces man, know that he approaches everything you say and do in an emotional way. He can take disagreements to be personal attacks. So if you have problems, make sure you express them straightforwardly and lovingly (rather than abrasively).

The Pisces man is eager to please, and he responds to constructive criticism well. But aggressive debate overwhelms him and sends him shrinking inward. Be straightforward, and don't make him guess what you're thinking.

Just remember: You love the romance, and he does too. Little gestures you make to show him you're invested will go a long way toward winning his heart. The more you open up to him and rely on him, the better your relationship will be.

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