Reasons Pisces are the Most Difficult People to Understand

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1. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac.

Because Pisceans are the last sign of the zodiac, they have a mix trait of characteristics from all the other 11 signs. Pisces are in a somewhat constant battle deciding how they feel, and this can make it really challenging for a non-Pisceans to figure out exactly what they're feeling/thinking.   

2. They have trouble distinguishing reality from fantasy.

  Pisces are, at heart, dreamers. 

3. They can only think straight when they're alone.

That's the introverted side of Pisces. If they see you after a long day, they might be all irritable and not want to talk. It has nothing to do with you. Pisceans often need to recharge after a large use of social energy. After a long day of dealing with people, their social batteries are drained and they need to unwind and recover - usually alone.   

4. They are inherently introverted.

A Pisces finds it difficult to be his or her full self around people to whom he or she doesn't feel close.

This can come off as fake or closed off, but in reality, it is most attributed to a Pisces' innate curiosity about other people's lives and stories. Excuse Pisces and their many questions.

5. They accept literally everyone.

(Yeah. We are not judgmental like everyone else. We don't care if you're dark/white skinned, tall/short, fat/skinny, what you're religion is and etc. because we understand that nobody is perfect. Imperfections and flaws are what makes a person beautiful. :] )

6. They are a little oversensitive.

And by a little, I mean a lot. Words cut deep with Pisces, so this might be why your Piscean friend hasn't been as chatty lately.

(Be careful with your words and be honest with how you feel because Pisces are also sensitive to others' emotions. If you're feeling stressed, a Pisces can feel it. Trust me.)

7. It all depends on their mood.

The tricky thing is that Pisceans can be both very impulsive and over-thinkers, depending on how they're feeling. They are not easy to pin-down or categorize as either an extrovert or introvert. In fact, you'll probably never figure it out.

But even if it doesn't seem like it, they will always consider your feelings.

8. Their energy level depends on their environment.

They are introspective, but are often the life of the party - it's all about whether or not they vibe with the people around them. Because they're also so sensitive, they can get annoyed easily, causing them to withdraw into themselves.

This can cause a lot of confusion for Pisces as they need human connections to be happy and they have an abundance of compassion even for strangers, but are also so selective with the company that they chose to surround themselves with. 

9. It can take a while for them to let you in.

They need time to warm up, so, like, chill. Their contradictary traits can make times quite lonely for Pisces because they connect with people easily and people feel very connected to them, but it's also at their core to isolate themselves.

It can take years for Pisces to let people in deeply, because once they do, they are eternally loyal and caring. 

(Please just be patient with us.)

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