Personal Style

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Water signs have a romantic and observant nature and will often wear their emotions quite literally on their sleeve. (Water girls tend to dress according to how they feel on any particular day.)

> Pisces are true romantics, which makes them drawn to flowy, feminine and delicate styles.

> Piscean girls embrace creativity and are always searching for unique and artsy accessories.

> Pisces rules over the feet, so girls under this sign love wearing fabulous shoes.

Pisces is the most whimsical, romantic sign of the zodiac. The Pisces-born tend to lean toward flowing, fantasy-driven silhouettes, soft fabrics, and shimmering textures. Pisces don't necessarily like to stick out in a crowd, but they do project their sense of imagination and idealism through their wardrobe. Soft, muted pastel colors are Pisces' preferences. Yet Fishes can't go wrong with bold, psychic-driven colors like royal blue, aubergine, burgundy, indigo, and classic monochrome black.

Otherworldly accessories are really where Pisces' personal style shines. The Pisces personality can't turn down a mystical piece of jewelry—usually fabricated with natural crystals and stones. Rare creativity is the name of the game when it comes to the accessories adorning this sign. But since Pisces rules the feet, shoes tend to be this sign's favorite method of fashionable expression. Pisces might have an entire closet filled with wacky, unique pairs of heels and sneakers. 

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